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Type A Preons
Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • 4

Preons on static display
Gotta catch them all!

There are seven types of preon particles, one for each type of star. Each type of preon particle can be harvested from their corresponding star types with a particle collector bay equipped spacecraft.

Star Gate use

A preon particle can be used to activate a star gate, creating an artificial wormhole to the solar system the preon particle originated from.

Production uses

Building Produces Consumed Required Optional
Jeweler 20 Type A Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type B Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type F Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type G Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type K Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type M Preon Ring

Jeweler 20 Type O Preon Ring


In the past, preons were used as great money-makers with automated harvesting ships. Cities would buy them for very high prices, making lots of profit very quickly.