Large Rocket

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Large Rocket
Bl Thud
Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • 36

Large rockets are used by weapon launcher bays, weapon launcher turrets and vehicles. Although they are expensive and hard to mass produce, large rockets are extremely destructive against static or slow moving targets, and are often used for orbital bombardments.


Large rocket units are consumed when loaded into a turret or vehicle, giving it a set number of rounds. When fired from a weapon bay the large rockets are consumed directly, amount depending on the size of the weapon.

  • They are loaded into a vehicle or weapon launcher turret.
    • This is done using the Ordnance menu.
    • If the ordnance is changed, any remaining rounds in the weapon is lost.
  • A weapon launcher bay uses the large rockets directly from the spacecraft's hold or city's inventory.
    • A weapon launcher bay needs (Round(Weapon Bay volume/90)+1) large rockets to launch a full salvo.

See the Ammunition page for more information.


There are 3 types of large rockets, all of which can be made easily with sufficient large rocket motors and some warhead component.

Name Damage type Special component
Large Rocket Bl Thud Bludgeon
Large Rocket BlBu Molotov Bludgeon and Burning Gasoline
Large Rocket BuDi Scudpox Burning and Disease Antitoxin and Gasoline

For more information about the different damage types, see the Damage Type page.

Produced by

Building Produces Consumed Required Optional
Munitions Factory 10 Large Rocket BlBu Molotov

Munitions Factory 10 Large Rocket Bl Thud

Munitions Factory 10 Large Rocket BuDi Scudpox