City Neglect
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This content no longer exists in the game. This page is kept for historical purposes. |
Neglect is a state a city gets into if it hasn't been visited by an avatar or officer belonging to the empire for over two weeks. In and of it self neglect isn't something to worry about, but in combination with negative morale or enemy occupation, it can have dire consequences.
Neglect causes loyalty to decrease every city cycle, instead of its normal increase.
Neglect Prevention
For the purpose of preventing neglect, city visitation can be satisfied in three ways:
- An empire avatar passes through the city's solar system. All cities in a solar system are visited by the presence of an empire avatar. Cities that do not belong to the empire of the avatar are not visited.
- An empire officer passes through the city's solar system. All cities in a solar system are visited by the presence of an empire officer. Cities that do not belong to the empire of the officer are not visited.
- The city receives tribute. When a capital city receive tribute from another city, its is considered visited for neglect purposes.
Common practice is to leave a spacecraft with an officer on board in important solar systems, or set up a spacecraft on patrol through multiple solar systems.
When loyalty hits zero the city will revolt if the morale is negative. When it revolts it will change ownership to a random pirate empire.
Cities belonging to a pirate empire will start decaying 3 days after the last flag (town square or military flag) changed ownership. When a military flag decays it counts as having been changed and city decay is postponed by another 3 days. This is because the population is abandoning the city in favor of moving to the hidden pirate hideouts.
Neglect Math
The start of neglect is always 7 days if not visited, but it is possible to calculate the number of days it takes before loyalty reaches zero and a revolt can happen.
Population = Population in the city. PopLoyal = Loyal population in the city. NDays = Number of days neglected, if not present it can be between 0 and 6. NeglectStart = 7 CityCycleInterval = 13 MinutesPerDay = (60 * 24) DaysLeft = max(NeglectStart - NDays, 0) + (PopLoyal * CityCycleInterval / MinutesPerDay) DaysMax = NeglectStart + (Population * CityCycleInterval / MinutesPerDay) As used in HazeronAdviser.
Here is a simple table to show the maximum number of days, depending on population.
Population | 0* | 111 | 222 | 333 | 444 | 555 | 666 | 777 | 888 | 999 | 1108 | 1219 |
Maximum Days Neglected | 7* | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
* If there is no population, there can be no loyal citizens. |