
From Hazeron Wiki
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Bomb Bl
Black Cat
Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • 16

Bomb item model.

Bombs are used by weapon deployment bays and vehicles. They can also be used as large remote triggered explosives when placed by hand.

To use a bomb as a remote explosive, plant it at the desired location and then detonate it using the hail communication channel's detonate button.


Other avatars are able to defuse an armed bomb.

See Defusal for details.

As Ammunition

Bombs are consumed when loaded into a vehicle, giving it a set number of rounds. When fired from a weapon bay the bombs are consumed directly, amount depending on the size of the weapon.

  • They are loaded into a vehicle.
    • This is done using the Ordnance menu, or by using the bomb on the vehicle.
    • If the ordnance is changed, any remaining rounds in the weapon is lost.
  • A weapon deployment bay uses the bombs directly from the spacecraft's hold.
    • A weapon deployment bay needs (Round(Weapon Bay volume/100)+1) bombs to fire one shot at full power.

See the Ammunition page for more information.


There are 6 types of bombs, the first type is used in the production of the other 5 types.

Name Damage type Special component
Bomb Bl Black Cat Bludgeon
Bomb BlPi Porcupine Bludgeon and Piercing Metal
Bomb BlRa Los Alamos Bludgeon and Radiation Radioactives
Bomb ElSt Tesla Electrical and Stun Crystals, Metal and Minerals
Bomb SlCr Meat Slicer Slashing and Crushing Metal
Bomb SuPo Muffler Suffocation and Poison Petrochemicals and Antidote

For more information about the different damage types, see the Damage Type page.

Produced by


Building Produces Consumed Required Optional
Munitions Factory 10 Bomb Bl Black Cat

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb Bl Black Cat

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb Bl Black Cat


Building Produces Consumed Required Optional
Munitions Factory 10 Bomb BlPi Porcupine

  • 20 Bomb Bl Black Cat
  • 1000 Metal

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb BlRa Los Alamos

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb ElSt Tesla

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb SlCr Meat Slicer

  • 20 Bomb Bl Black Cat
  • 1000 Metal

Munitions Factory 10 Bomb SuPo Muffler