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procedural textures how t...
Forum: Design Studio
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12-06-2024, 04:35 PM
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Old assets please ! Brin...
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12-04-2024, 04:25 AM
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Aircraft Factory No Parki...
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How to smelt ore manually...
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11-12-2024, 02:25 AM
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add an " add item" button...
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11-11-2024, 01:39 AM
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  procedural textures how to ?
Posted by: netshaman - 12-05-2024, 05:35 PM - Forum: Design Studio - Replies (1)

How to make the textures go change with the materials used in game ?
Ex : a house in stone looking like built stone walls, the same using metal, vulcanite, magmium looking like built with walls in metal, magmium, vulcanite.
Do i need to create ALL the iterations in design studio for each asset or they will change procedurally ingame when construction is set with the correct material ?
The old Shores of Hazeron worked like this, it seems HS don't .
Why ?
And will it be updated to implement this ?
As i miss this feature , it looked so cool, and realistic.
Vulcanite houses just can't look like stone built .^^

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  Make the Steam Workshop visible to potential buyers
Posted by: Ivan - 11-29-2024, 03:29 PM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - No Replies

Make the Steam Workship visible to people who don't own Hazeron starships and therefore are potential buyers.

Having them see what is possible in terms of ships and buildings (and interiors) might attract more buyers.

Other games show the workshop even if you don't own the game.

People reading in the reviews about the workshop, but not being able to see it, might be confusing.

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  How to load an old save ?
Posted by: netshaman - 11-12-2024, 02:28 AM - Forum: Cantina - Replies (1)

Can't find out , the game loads only the last and offers only to exit to desktop*.
*why it not have the possibility to return back to previous menu ?
This is really annoying.
Tried to delete all the old saves in the hazeron starship folder , but screwed my progression as the avatar was deleted too :/
Damnit  !
Edit : just found out : But it DON't WORK in FULLSCREEN !!!! ( window DON'T SHOW UP to make "restore" option ! ).
Damnit , this bug ( also present with the designer and its drop down menus ) literally bugs me out !

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  Drop menus in design studio inoperative when in fullscreen.
Posted by: netshaman - 11-07-2024, 03:05 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

If you play in fullscreen mode the drop down menus are inoperative when you over the mouse on them.
I need to go "ALTGR+Enter" to go to windowed mode ( and resize up the window  ) to being able to access the menus.
If not they stay blue on white and don't do anything.

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  add an " add item" button in the building interface
Posted by: netshaman - 11-07-2024, 02:40 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (1)

Currently there is two buttons in the building interface ( at the sub-menu "buiding" next to "manufacture" ) , one named "take item" , the other "trash item" .
I propose to add a third button named " add item" .
With this one you can obviously add an item from YOUR personal inventory ( backpack , body , etc ) to the city inventory .
Like ORES for example.
Some will say : " this is redundant with the "sell" function in the communication menu  !
You are right , but it WILL be useful when you want to just add an item ( like an ore ) for smelting when you are ALONE without ANY other citizen around  !
Some buildings need metal to build them and without any citizen , smelting an ore is impossible manually ( i didn't found out to do this ) from the ores you have in your backpack, so an "add item" button should be the solution. ^^
Thanks for reading.
P.S : if a mean exists to do this, please tell me, i' m actually stranded on a lonely planet after the destruction of the main planet by the asteroid and without having the possibility to smelt ores , i just can't advance anyway.
This IS really a game blocker.

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  How to smelt ore manually ?
Posted by: netshaman - 11-07-2024, 02:20 AM - Forum: Cantina - Replies (2)

I'm wondering to how smelt ores in a smelter MANUALLY.
I'm stuck on a planet without ANY other city beings after the home planet was destroyed by the asteroid , and crash landed with the rocket on it ( ! ) ; the perfect start for a stranded planet survival experience  ! ^^
So i' m ALONE with NO ONE to make working the infrastructures .
I ' m forced to do the work manually for every  building.
This isn't a big deal but there is one thing that bugs me out : i juste can't smelt ores that are in my backpack .
I tried to put them on the ground of the smelter , but this does nothing , i tried to sell them to the retail store or directly to the smelter , this does nothing too; they just stay in my backpack even if it is said " offer bid accepted ".
How to make them "workable" and smeltable , how to insert them in the "city items circuit" ?
As i want to quit this planet by constructing by myself my own spaceship ( this will take a LOT of time , but will be so satisfying as a survivor experience on a stranded planet  ! )
Thank you.

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  Old assets please ! Bring them back Haxus !
Posted by: netshaman - 11-01-2024, 12:32 PM - Forum: Cantina - Replies (3)

Just because it was so cool to go inside them ! ( even if this was not really helpful )
I really miss them !
Just put them in the list please  !
Or then make the new ones behave like them , with doors etc...
Because it's boring to not have the possibility to enter them when the night comes ( except the cabin ).

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  Multiple vehicles on 1 parking spot
Posted by: Ivan - 09-23-2024, 01:33 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Two vehicles are fetched to the same parking spots at buildings. They end up clipped inside eachother. This happened with different building designs.

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  Seasons changing too quickly
Posted by: GaelicVigil - 09-08-2024, 12:54 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

I recently started on a planet (first new game since seasons update) with a full rotation time of approximately 13 real days.  The problem is that the seasons seem to change extremely fast, each season lasting around 15 minutes or so.  It's extremely jarring to see multiple years (4 seasons each) pass by faster than a single day in my game world.

I understand that tilt plays into it, but my starting zone is temperate so I'd expect to see each season take about 3.25 real life days (13/4).  This appears to be a bug, unless I'm totally misunderstanding how seasons are supposed to work now.

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  [designer] Deselect all button mishap
Posted by: Neils Iyssada - 09-03-2024, 09:30 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Hey !
Found out the "Deselect all" button under Edit menu in the Designer wasn't working correctly for the Parts window : once you deselect all, previously selected parts are visually deselected as intended ; but they still are higlighted in the "State" column from Parts window, being effectively still considered selected for actions such as group naming, associating, etc.

Can be easily avoided by always manually selecting the parts you want, starting with a single left mouse click without ctrl : this way if you have a part virtually selected, the first click will ensure only your first wanted part will be selected.

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