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Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • 1 x 1
Building Design Drawing
Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • 1 x 1

Paper is used mostly only as a media building designs, but can also be used for leaving notes using the inscription mechanic. It is however mostly unused as it is easier to just use disks, which can also be used for spacecraft designs.

It is possible to inscribe a building design onto a paper, once inscribed it becomes read-only.


Paper is made at the lumber mill using either logs or lumber.

Most notable is the paper from Haxus that all new avatars spawn with, containing a welcome message and a few hints on what to do.

Starting Paper
(Didn't think you would actually click this! I aren't done yet... sorry.
- Deantwo (talk) 16:05, 3 September 2015 (MDT)
Primeval World Paper
(Didn't think you would actually click this! I aren't done yet either... sorry.
- Deantwo (talk) 16:05, 3 September 2015 (MDT)

Building Design Drawing

Building design drawings are created using a paper at a design studio.

After saving or loading a design in the design environment, a "Burn CD/Inscribe Drawing" button appears.

A building design drawing can be sold to a design studio by the architect to publicize it for empire-wide usage, or it can be used by the holder while it is in their inventory.

Produced by

Building Produces Consumed Required Optional
Lumber Mill 200 Paper

Lumber Mill 100 Paper