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Block, as the name implies, means to block, mute, and/or ignore someone.

When you block another avatar or NPC, that avatar is added to your blocked list, and you will no longer receive any communication messages (or mail) from that avatar.

It is also possible to block NPCs, ships, cities, etc.

How to Block

Blocking someone who wrote chat message:

  1. In Comm (F3) window
  2. Right click on a avatar's name
  3. Select Add to Block List

Blocking someone who sent a mail:

  1. In Mail (F2) window
  2. Select the mail in question
  3. Click the Ignore future messages from the current sender button

Blocking someone who is offline or isn't chatting:

  1. In Mail (F2) window
  2. Click the Manage Contacts button
  3. Go to the Blocked tab
  4. Click the Add a New Block button
  5. Enter the name and ID of the desired avatar

How to Un-Block

  1. In Mail (F2) window
  2. Click the Manage Contacts button
  3. Go to the Blocked tab
  4. Highlight the avatar's name entry
  5. Click Delete the Selected Block button