User:Neils Iyssada

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Just some late-MMO era player trying to be useful. Founder of Kadeshi Protectorate and late member of French Empire.

Author of those spacecraft blueprints :

  • Shuttles :
    • UT-47 "Kodiak" - Cheap gravity drive shuttle for intra-system transit or embarked shuttle.
    • UT-47 "Rocket" - Rocket drive variant of the "Kodiak".
  • Corvettes :
    • Ibis - Wormhole exploration corvette. Can be built on ground. Has shields, weapon bay and transporter. Simple interior.
    • Ibis "Busteroid" - Asteroid defense variant of the Ibis, with systems stripped as much as possible to be cheap and accomodate the big sensors and weapon bay. Doesn't have FTL Drive. Simple interior.
    • Ibis 2 (WIP) - Improved Ibis variant, with fully reworked interior, ground vehicles and turrets.
  • Exploration Frigates :
    • Xplo - Small frigate to explore neighboring sectors. Has WARP 3, wormhole drives, shields and a weapon bay. Simple interior.
    • Stars - Preon harvesting variant of the Xplo. Weapon bay was replaced by a particle collector bay. Simple interior.
    • Normandy SR1 - Stealth exploration frigate, with stealth shields, a weapon bay and a single ground vehicle. Vectorus made an improved version with windows, turrets and fixed the turbolift.
  • Freighter :
    • Grand Transporteur - Medium sized freighter, shielded but unarmed. Simple interior.