The Relic story is the final tutorial story of Hazeron.
A Package Arrives by Haxus
A package arrives by courier. It contains a mystery.
This is the first part of the storyline. This should automatically trigger when you first build a space station.
NPCs of Note
- ParcX Delivery Guy
Outcome: Received a ParcX package with a knife and a riddle.
Dangerous Exchange by Haxus
Meeting with Dr. Xian at the University. A precious exchange takes place. Danger lurks.
This is the second part. It may be helpful to bring a gun.
Read the inscription on the paper found in the ParcX box.
Sometimes, the ring may be dropped clipped into terrain. Press X to crawl and check around the ground if this happens.
NPCs of Note
- Dr. Xian
- Dr. Millton
- Bullywugs
Outcome: Gave the old vulcium knife to Xian in exchange for a mysterious ring. Departed on a quest to find Dr. Millton.
Beacon by Haxus
A beacon calls for attention.
This is the third part of the storyline. It is probably the longest part, requiring much exploring.
The Beacon will be in a neighbouring sector to your starting system. The sector co-ordinates will be provided on the note received at the end of Dangerous Exchange. Explore systems there until you see messages in the Hail comm channel.
If you're in an area with a bunch of Pressure Tents, look around until you find an unusual item.
If at one point during the story you arrive at a planet, but nothing appears to happen, look around for a village.
See the Defusal page for help with a specific part.
NPCs of Note
- Duster
- Mimi
- Dr. Karlov
- Dr. Millton
- Dr. Xian
Outcome: Dr. Karlov departed with a smoldering Dr. Millton his prisoner. Xian may be in grave danger.
Control Center by Haxus

Dr. Millton returns home to Dr. Xian. The mystery of the ringworld deepens.
This is the fourth part of the storyline, and is a short wrap-up of the previous part. No player input will be required, the dialogue will play out and then end.
NPCs of Note
- Dr. Millton
- Dr. Xian
Outcome: Dr. Millton continues his research for Dr. Karlov under threat to his family. I am keeping the ring until Dr. Millton needs it.
Particle Harvester by Haxus

Dr. Millford needs a preon to conduct an experiment.
This is the fifth part, and will require the player to manufacture a spacecraft with a Particle Collector Bay.
A default design for this is provided. See Particle Harvester by Haxus
NPCs of Note
- Dr. Xian
- Dr. Millford
Outcome: Dr. Millford asked me to build a starship Particle Harvester, use it to collect preons from the sun, then deliver the preons to the ringworld control center.
Stargate by Haxus

Dr. Millford conducts a series of experiments.
This is the final part and instructs the player on how to actually activate the Star Gate.
NPCs of Note
- Dr. Xian
- Dr. Millford
- Tarl
Outcome: Discovered how to open a stargate to travel anywhere in the universe.