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Planets often have atmospheres. Atmosphere content and density determine whether the air is breathable by creatures. Plant life can survive is more harsh atmospheres than creatures.


Density is expressed as a percentage value from 0 to 100%. Atmosphere density between 15 and 85 percent can be habitable and breathed; below 15% creatures cannot draw enough air into their lungs; above 85% creatures cannot force the air out of their lungs.

Density Terms [1]
Percentage Name Plants Creatures
0% Vacuum
1% to 9% Trace
9% to 14% Very Thin Possible
15% to 39% Thin Possible Breathable
40% to 70% Ideal Possible Breathable
71% to 85% Thick Possible Breathable
86% to 100% Oppressive Possible

Atmosphere Types

Atmospheric content is classified into categories.

Class Animals Plants Description
Standard Possible Possible Atmosphere is a good mix of breathable gases with few impurities.
Tainted Possible Possible Atmosphere is a tolerable mix of gases to breath. Air may contain visible levels of impurities.
Exotic * Possible Atmosphere is poisonous to people and animals but may host plant life. EV suit required.
Corrosive (green) Atmosphere is poisonous to all plant and animal life. Corrosive to all equipment.
Insidious (purple) Atmosphere is extremely poisonous to all plant and animal life. Extremely corrosive to all equipment.

*Only in gas giant oceans, and animals here are larger in size

As a Commodity

Atmosphere Density
Nominal Cost
Pack Size
  • n/a

Atmosphere density is an environmental commodity used by processes that require an atmosphere.

Processes that use atmosphere density will fetch it from the environment, but the chance of a successful fetch depends on how dense the atmosphere density and percentage of the gas in the atmosphere, which appears in survey reports as the atmosphere density of the world and individual gas percentage.

For example a wind power plant requires just an atmosphere and is therefore only affected by the atmosphere density. But a refinery requires both an atmosphere and the specific gaseous resource which means that it is affected by both the atmosphere density and the percentage of the specific gas.

A spacecraft using an atmospheric condenser bay has its harvesting yield affected by both the atmosphere density and the percentage of the specific gaseous resource.