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  Lost ring from Dangerous Exchange quest
Posted by: gamerscd - 12-26-2023, 04:19 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

I cant find the ring after bullywog dies, he killed me before he died and never saw were he died at... i cant restart the dangerous exchange quest, tried to reset the relic quest and returning to the station doesnt start that quest again... not sure what to do at this point.

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  Crashing after a short time
Posted by: dracotonisamond - 12-24-2023, 07:56 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

ive been playing since before the launch and recently my save has gotten a bit unstable.
ive been able to stop hazeron from crashing by unloading more building blueprints and clearing the temp folder but now the game is crashing with no steam blueprints loaded after a few minutes of runtime.

i reached about 5600 systems explored, the save file is nearly a gigabyte in size and the starchart is about 270MB.
also, after crashing some of the previously explored starmap becomes uncharted spontaneously.

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  Remove completely unused spacecraft designs from savefile
Posted by: Ivan - 12-23-2023, 05:53 PM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (3)

I noticed that every time I finalise a design or subscribe to one from the workshop, it seems to increase the savefile permanently. Even if the ship is never produced and removed from the ingame library and every ingame data storage in that specific savefile. For Workshop items even if you unsubcribe from them without saving it ingame or constructing it, it seems to not reduce the size of the savefile again.

Or at least I didn't notice it happening.

When redesigning ships then accidently finalising them at Q255 instead of Q1 or forgetting to re-include omitted voids for testing, I end up having to finalise again.

This can ofcourse be mended by reloading an earlier save before starting design, but I noticed a bit too late and generally this just seems inefficient to store completely unused designs.

Even if other players still use one of my old designs, it should not stay in my savegame permanently. My savegame went from 430MB to 699MB with little to no colonising, but I didn't keep a copy of the 430 size file. I do have a 520 MB file, but I reckon without the 10+ redesigns per ship, my savefile would likely be around 200MB.

Additionally ship designs made by individual characters before designer name was changed to Steam ID, are still in the savegame and cannot be removed.

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  Crash To Desktop Harvest Minerals
Posted by: 2ndhandspaceman - 12-23-2023, 03:25 AM - Forum: Closed Bug Reports - Replies (4)

In my current save I've encountered a bug while attempting to order the crew to harvest particles. If I miss-click and hit harvest minerals while in the F9 order window the game instantly crashes with an exception access violation. Currently with the ship I'm flying this will happen 100% of the time I have not tried with a different harvester configuration or save.

I've gone ahead and sent the save file to the starship support email

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  2023-12-21 Spacecraft Ops, Wormhole Name, Fast System Survey
Posted by: Haxus - 12-21-2023, 11:45 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (2)

Spacecraft Ops
Taking command of a spacecraft is a daunting task for a newbie. Several unobvious steps are needed.

When an avatar boards a new spacecraft a short tutorial lesson starts. It gives a brief set of instructions on how to take command of a spacecraft and how to command it.

Wormhole Name Unknown
Spacecraft can now go through unexplored wormholes with no human aboard. This results in wormholes called "Unknown".

These are the naming steps when a spacecraft goes through an unnamed wormhole.
1. If a human captain is found, the wormhole is named after them, using their wormhole sequence number.
2. If no captain is found, a human officer is found. The wormhole is named after them, using their wormhole sequence number.
3. If no human captain or officer is found, the wormhole is named after the ship, using the ship's wormhole sequence number.

Wormhole sequence number? What's that? That is the number of times an avatar or spacecraft has been credited with exploring an unexplored wormhole.

Fast Solar System Survey
NPCs take a huge amount of time to perform a solar system survey scan. Because of that there is an unobvious way for an avatar to make the survey happen instantly if they do it themself.

NPCs calculate the amount of time it might take to get every planet in sensor range and record the information. This time is reduced as rank increases. That might be somewhat realistic but it doesn't reconcile with the avatar's ability to perform the survey instantly.

NPCs were changed to calculate the amount of time differently. It is still based on their rank but the longest time at the lowest rank is only 12 seconds now.

A button was added to the sensor station that performs the solar system survey scan, without having to select anything on the screen.

Position Report Frequency
Spacecraft post position reports every 10 minutes. This is the information the star map uses to show the location and status of spacecraft. Can this time be reduced?

Spacecraft now post their position reports once per minute.

NPC Walks in Lava
During a story segment, an NPC departs the scene by walking off. This is always on an inferno world and the poor guy almost always ends up walking into a sea of lava, which is deadly.

NPCs now watch where they step. They will stop moving if they encounter lava or supercooled liquid.

Suffocating ParcX Guy
The Del Rey station said I had a ParcX package waiting. As soon as I got aboard, the ParcX guy showed up, dropped the package, and suffocated and died before I could get the station door closed. I tried this several times and it was a challenge to get the door closed fast enough to keep him alive. On one attempt, his body fell in the doorway and it was impossible to close the door without picking him up first.

ParcX guy now wears an EV suit if he is in an unbreathable atmosphere.

Comm Message Image
When I double-click a comm message with an attached image, the dialog that shows the image is pretty lame.

The image dialog now uses a different widget for displaying the image. It allows for pan and zoom. It also shows a caption under the picture when the story script calls for one.

Service Vehicle
Rocket training says I can press K to get my vehicle serviced. Most of the time this seems to do nothing.

Service request in a vehicle now provides a lot more feedback.

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  Hide fullscreen mode options until it's fixed
Posted by: Celarious - 12-21-2023, 05:41 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Lots of new players have been getting confused by the game not functioning properly in fullscreen mode (Most likely because they assume it'd work properly, because most other games have no issues with it)

It's probably best if the buttons and shortcuts to enter fullscreen mode are hidden and/or disabled until it's able to be fixed, because currently it's only caused confusion and problems

Made this a new thread because I feel like it's an important temporary solution until the work is able to be done to fix the fullscreen

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  2023-12-19 Capitol Window, Mount Spins, Targoss Inaudible
Posted by: Haxus - 12-19-2023, 08:22 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (6)

Capitol Window
The capitol window doesn't update when building construction finishes.

Capitol window now keeps itself in sync with the city buildings. This works well enough that the Refresh button was removed.

A nice improvement is that when the currently selected building construction is completed, the window tabs change appropriately. Previously you had to click a different building then click back to the one you wanted, which was a nuisance.

Mount Turns Fast
I grabbed a mount from one of my farms. It was fast and had fantastic stamina. Unfortunately I couldn't control the thing. Even the slightest tap on the turn button caused it to spin mostly around.

Mount turn speed is based on its own turn rate. This is sometimes too fast. That turn rate is now limited to a specific maximum when mounted.

Targoss Inaudible
I had not heard from Targoss for awhile. I found him stuck against a farm building. I could see his lips move but I could not hear him.

When story characters speak audibly, they now perform a test to see if your avatar can hear them, for any of many reasons. If the avatar cannot hear them speak, then the audible message is transmitted on the Hail channel instead, at Solar System range.

Targoss Deleted
Targoss got stuck against a farm building. I tried to save him by bulldozing the farm. Targoss also got deleted.

When bulldozing buildings, story characters are now rescued and placed where the building was removed.

Avatar Creation Haircut and Shave
When creating an avatar, I can choose their haircut and shave. These settings do not carry through to the avatar that is created.


Avatar Creation Snafu
Created an avatar. Returned to the avatar selection page. Deleted the new avatar. When creating a new avatar, the Enter game button was grey until I fiddled with the scenario selection combo box.

Fixed button enable/disable states when returning to avatar selection page.

Crew Orders
I switch to a different avatar while my ship was traveling through some wormholes. When I switched back, my crew was waiting to go through the wormhole until I got back.

The online game imposed restrictions on what an npc crew was allowed to do when no officer or avatar were aboard. All such restrictions were removed. The crew will now carry out their current order, without regard to who is aboard.

Wormhole Exploration
When a ship goes through a wormhole, the captain of the ship is credited with the exploration, regardless if they are on line. Previously, the captain had to be on line.

Story Indigenous Snafu
The Eden story started before the presence of indigenous life was established.


Citizens Block Takeoff
Citizens clustered around my spacecraft prevent it from taking off.

Citizens no longer spawn near you when you are standing in any kind of parking space.

This is not a perfect fix but it will reduce the crowds at the airport.

Persistent Sounds
I created a new avatar. Targoss arrived. I returned to the avatar selection page while standing near Targoss and I could still hear his torch at the avatar selection page.

Fixed a bug in the current item sound cleanup for npcs.

Hail Bug
My ship was parked near a wormhole to my home system. I was next to it in a different ship. On the Crew channel, I ordered my ship to go through the wormhole. After it went through, I heard the hail from the other system's space station. The message said it originated in my system, which had no developments of any kind.

Fixed a bug in the routing of hail range messages.

Crew Follow Bug
My ship went through a wormhole. A different ship that I was aboard had a standing order to follow my ship. The ship I was aboard did not follow my ship through the wormhole.

Fixed a bug in the navigator's logic when following another ship through a wormhole.

Story Start Delay
Upon completion of the Rocket Training story, the Undertow story starts abruptly without delay. It should give me a minute to collect my thoughts.

A new story chapter will not start within one minute of a previous story chapter ending, for any reason, including being dropped.

HTTPS SSL Certificate
We are still waiting. Network Solutions shows the certificate has been approved, pending delivery.

This inexplicable delay resulted in my previous certificate expiring before the new one was issued. That pissed me off and I canceled the order for the new certificate.

This time I will wait.

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  [ Future State ] - Game Events, NPC Dialog, diplomacy
Posted by: Rockinsince87 - 12-19-2023, 01:27 PM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - No Replies

Background: This was posted in another thread and it needed to be moved here. 

Scope: This suggestion takes place during/after NPC empires and shows an example of what could be fun with game events, NPC dialog, a diplomacy system, as well as a trade dialog system based on empire relations.  

Context: The original tread this was posted in covered using the spawned asteroid in the new empire that uses that scenario as a game event with NPC empires.  

"Captains log...I have decided to forgo the prime directive and save this primitive species from utter doom."...

Seriously that is a good idea Deantwo. I've always imagined that when Haxus adds AI friendly/neutral/enemy empires to the game that "Quests/events/missions" could trigger. Something that is fun for all. 

I warn the readers below, this example involves other systems of game play that have not been created yet or even approved.

Example: A planet is facing a horrible plague and reaches out to you when they detect you entering the system. You decide to return contact and speak with their leaders. (I always imagined a simple dialog system with the avatar bio picture or something similar to let you see who you are speaking to in dialog menus).

You pick from the menu the options to help them out of 5 options lets say. Options could vary between, just helping, extorsion, to flat out waiting until they all die to conquer them, and even just leaving them to their fate. Ok so you decide to help them, you provide them a quantity of the appropriate Q level medical supplies (Perhaps you have to make a special trip with medical supplies or send another ship). 

I also imagined the diplomacy system when implemented would work on a point based system to determine alignment of the various empires. This being a quest, would have a significant boost that would give you a huge point bonus allowing you to ally if you decided to help vs extort. 

Oh wow...this empire that you just saved manufactures high Q level oil. Now that you are allies, the dialog menu system has more options including investing in their planet and infrastructure. You ask them to invest heavily in their oil production by providing them a large sum of money to fund the investment. From the same menu system you could open the trade dialog screen and setup a broker connection. They most likely would want to buy stuff from you too, that would require negotiation. Not just for price but for quantity per shipment. You don't want someone to buy up all of your goods.   

The asteroid event could be just another event on the list that leads to all of the above. 

There is so much potential here it's staggering...Random events, trade, dialog, and more will make this a top tier space game and make the universe so alive. There are so many events you could come up with...just start ripping plot lines from star trek and your good  

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  Stowaway Scenario Feedback
Posted by: Deantwo - 12-17-2023, 10:00 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (4)

I just completed the Stowaway start scenario. It took me three tries to successfully commandeer the spacecraft.

I wrote a wiki page for the scenario, with a basic guide.

I figured I would share some feedback and issues about the scenario.


The first issue I found was lack of pistol ammunition. You need more than the one spare magazines you start with. I went to the troop quarters with the hope of finding more pistol ammunition, but the room didn't have the barracks cargo access. I also found that there is no room with cargo access on the ship, the few medical supplies in the cargo hold is inaccessible to the player also.

Second issue, while I was in the troop quarters, all the crew of the ship suddenly came to attack me. I assume the troop quarters are closer to the bridge and they could detect me there? I had no issue when finishing off the spare crewman in the crew quarters. Some sort of alarm about a detected intruder might be helpful here, even if it is just a message on the intercom comm channel.

The spacecraft has no food. This is even worse if the player is a herbivore.

Constant early game inventory issue. Carcasses are large, and new players won't understand this at all.


I would suggest the new players at least starts with a Knapsack, so they can carry a little more. That way they could start with a few more items to help them, such as another pistol ammunition and maybe some food. Could also have them start with a piece of paper that gives a tiny story or some hints on what to do.

Fix the spacecraft blueprint. The troop quarters should have barracks cargo access, or make a tiny armory room next to it. A small room to access the medical supplies would be nice too. Access to the whole cargo hold could be nice too, but if it is easily accessible it would make this scenario a little too easy maybe.

Currently the intercom is very under used in general, everything is usually said on the crew channel. Crew and troops currently only announce encountering an enemy on the crew channel. For pirates it might be more fun if they did this on the intercom channel. Knowing when and how much of the crew is coming for you would be very helpful in understanding what is happening.

The scenario can be fun, but a lot of it is about luck. If you fail, it basically just starts you off on a habitable world with nothing special similar to The Savage State scenario.

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  Return of loading passengers into vehicles, and rewards to allow "freelancer gameplay
Posted by: Ivan - 12-16-2023, 06:20 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (4)

Not an urgent matter, but imo, it would be cool if these would return at some point:

In the old city system you could load citizens and crew with vehicles like a space transport and SUV etc (possibly beause you could contact the city/buildings in trade channel without needing a spaceship)
From Wayback Machine, 2014 SoH game manual (Communication):
"Load Passengers
Offers empty stateroom berths or vehicle seats to passengers looking for transport. Loads Passengers while aboard a spacecraft. You must be an officer of the ship. Loads Passengers into a vehicle that has empty seats. Transmit on the Trade channel to initiate contact with a city."

- This allowed for Citizen players (non-goverment members) to make money by ferrying passengers to the moon with a spacetransport or even between two cities on your starter planet, with a helicopter/sailboat.
- Additionaly doing construction labour would net you some cash (I think maybe because of the reward system?). The emperor could also set rewards for exploration, founding cities and other things.
-The missions I already mentioned in another thread.

Why u ask, when we can take millions from the bank?

Well, when playing as a citizen character, instead of emperor, this allowed you to basically have this Freelancer/Elite experience, where u start small and then work towards a larger (private) ship, in the Hazeron universe. I started one such character today and noticed you can't really do alot anymore. Yes you can take a loan of 50k, but that allows you to only buy 2 ships currently available in the Workshop.( I could ofc design new ones). The only mission you get is "ship needs captain, take control of this huge ship without having any credentials whatsoever for free", which feels like cheating.

Also I noticed that my citizen character could buy things from a Retail Shop at a habitable planet, but not from a Retail Shop at the moon. (not sure if bug?)

Alot of this neat little details that existed before seem to not have been transferred to the new system. Yes ofc emperors don't need those, but it's sandbox and giving yourself a challenge without infinite money is fun (without using a free empire ship). You could basically create the world with your emperor(s), set up trade routes, passenger ferries, partols, ... . Then play around as a citizen/stateless trader, taxi, miner, bounty hunter, pirate & do missions in that universe you created.

Dunno if I'm the only one, but I think it would be nice to have this back in the long term.

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