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  2019-11-05 Server Crash
Posted by: Haxus - 11-05-2019, 02:59 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (8)

Server Crash
A manager server crash on Sunday caused a total collapse of the server grid. Unfortunately, this happened while I was out of town.

Yesterday was spent getting things running again. I was in the middle of changes on Friday that had to be finished before I could restart the servers so they were down most of the day. I added two days to all active accounts to make up for the down time.

Avatar Inventory Crash
The personal inventory of one person's avatar is broken and causing a server crash.

That avatar has no inventory of any items atm. I sent him a private message.

The broken inventory data is safely preserved. I plan to examine it this morning to see if it can be saved. I am sure that some of it can be saved, just not sure about all of it.

My biggest concern is finding out what happened. It may have been caused by a crate storing a gen4 avatar head, but that is just a guess at this moment.

Primeval World
Indigenous people in primeval world are now fully clothed and they will not mate with the player. A clever person could trade them something for their clothing but that nakedness would not enable mating.

Body Pose Bugs
Some bugs related to body poses were fixed.

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  Friend (& I) cannot create new/activate old account?
Posted by: RectumTosser - 11-04-2019, 07:03 PM - Forum: Prerelease Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Hello there Haxus.
I LOVE the work you have put into this game, and I adore the amount of freedom I have without having to follow a pointless storyline! Keep up the amazing work!!

My bug is strange, I looked through the first 4 pages of the Forum's but couldn't find anyone else reporting the same issue? 

Yesterday and today, my friend and I have been trying to play together. First my friend tried (from Japan) to create an account - didn't work.
New Accounts Unavailable

Due to technical difficulties, a new Shores of Hazeron account cannot be created at this time.
We apologize for the inconvenience. Please try again later.


I thought the problem was with his location, so I tried aswell - from Canada. Still no luck. Same error as above.
Did I miss an important notice somewhere? Or is account creation disabled due to "spam" account creators. (Saw mention of this on the forums, "updates" page(?? I think) when I was doing my, "skimming" xP

I mean, it's completely understandable either way (if yes or no) - just curious about when account creation will be back up :) so my friend and I can play this glorious game once more!

All the best,

Ps. I am also a game designer by trade. All I have to say is simply WOW to the amount of work you have been able to get done over the years.

Pps. I have posted a screenshot of the error from my phone, but it is the same error on pc browser.

Ppps. I feel like this is honestly just you trying to replace Captcha with Captcha V2 - if so, my apologies for making a useless bug post xD

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  2019-10-31 Animal Poses
Posted by: Haxus - 10-31-2019, 08:57 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (40)

Animal Poses
Posing of the bodies of the new animals is nearly complete. It took longer than expected. This can only be seen in primeval world, at the moment.

A few small items remain before players can start using gen4 animals as avatars. That would likely be ready by this time next week.

17+ Warning
Some may have noticed a new 17+ warning. The animals of SoH are completely computer generated, not at all derived from real 3D models of humans, no more detailed than a puppet or a raunchy cartoon. However, those who question why the 17+ warning is necessary may want to view the following link.

17+ Warning. Pornographic. Do not open this link if you do not want to see it.

After you finish deciding that Haxus has lost his blinking mind, consider the possibilities. Instead of catering to a potentially child audience, story lines in SoH can take on dramatically adult themes. Don't worry, I have no intention of making porn with SoH. It is just one of the many situations that can develop in the Hazeron universe.

This is a defining moment for SoH, at least in terms of who the audience is expected to be. Now I can stop cringing when my grandson wants to play. Instead, I can hold up the 17+ warning as a shield.

Asteroid Warning
Stations and cities with sensors will now report asteroids in the event log, if they are detected within sensor range. Observatories now report asteroids in the event log, starting at extreme range in the solar system. Asteroids known to be on a collision course with a world will cause an event log alert, which makes the icon look different in the city report tree.

Bugs were fixed. Lots of little details related to posing and animating gen4 bodies were finished. I'm late for a meeting and I can't really think of anything else right now. I'll update this post if I think of anything.

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  2019-10-21 Animals, Stargazer
Posted by: Haxus - 10-21-2019, 02:09 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (17)

After a marathon of code writing, gen4 animals are now fully integrated throughout the SoH code, with one exception. Biosphere data at worlds continues to use gen3 animals because gen4 animals are not complete enough to replace them.

Avatars in primeval world now use gen4 bodies. This can provide an illustration of variations within a species. The villagers are all created using the same species, not the exact same DNA. By contrast, in gen3 creatures, each DNA combination is a species so every villager and town person is exactly alike.

Body poses are not finished; that is the topic of the week. Gen4 bodies in the update today will only pose standing, walking or running. Any other pose will not work, including dead/dying and head only poses. Those should be done in the next update, possibly later this week.

From here onwards, work on the new animals will be focused on the animals themselves. As soon as a few more pieces are finished, they will be ready to make avatars, at least within the capability currently available. That capability will expand as I finish various aspects of these new animals.

The indigenous village now has a new member, the Stargazer. All new avatars created after this update are strongly advised to speak to the Stargazer, to learn a bit of information critical to your survival. The Stargazer will be found at the outskirts of the village.

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  Alert Sounds and Danger Warnings
Posted by: Deantwo - 10-18-2019, 08:27 AM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (3)

I was reading some ooold threads and fell over an old bug report that gave me an idea.
See: (Old bug report) Rocket-dive failure leaves new players confused

In short, if your spacecraft is in danger, either from very strong gravity or a corrosive atmosphere, there is no alert or warning signs. This confuses new players a lot.

If your spacecraft is being affected by very strong gravity the spacecraft should play an alert sound, and maybe a crewman should give a report about it.
For example if your spacecraft has rocket-drive engines it is vital to let the player know that the bright supergiant sun can't be escaped. This might also be necessary for space rocket vehicles.

Should do the same kind of alert when entering a corrosive atmosphere with a spacecraft that has a weak hull. This could also be useful for EV suits, at the very least an indicator with a warning symbol in the helmet HUD.

If we want to go really advanced, collision warnings for spacecraft and vehicles would be nice too.
See: (Idea thread) Submarine Sonar and Proximity Alert

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  Another Plead for Moderation
Posted by: RonnSama - 10-17-2019, 05:35 PM - Forum: Cantina - Replies (18)

Hello Haxus,

Long story short, the player base that is part of the discord channel was having a serious discussion this morning about moderation for the board, venting about the spammers and such.  I made the comment that if the player base was willing to show unity on an ideal you would probably be more inclined to listen to us in unison than several small jabs here and there concerning the subject.

Well after a while, I think we've all (read: mostly) have come to an agreement that DeanTwo would be a perfect fit as a board moderator, if only to cull the spammers, and keep things in order for the community board.  We've discussed a few subjects and expressed concerns individually about it, and the consensus seems to be Dean could handle this without any real bias that would effect game play, or even discussion on the board.  I'm hoping many of the players that were talking about this in chat will pop in and agree with me on the subject.

That is all, Thanks.

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  Set Production Q when adding production line
Posted by: Oggal - 10-10-2019, 06:35 PM - Forum: Arena of Ideas - Replies (7)

When setting up factories with many production lines I often find myself going back to set production quality after adding all lines.

I suggest adding two fields to the Add Production Line window, one for number of workshops, and one for Production Quality.

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  2019-10-09 Forum Version Update
Posted by: Haxus - 10-09-2019, 02:55 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (17)

The forum software was updated today to the latest version.

Bugs in the dark Lunorian theme got worse after the update so I removed it. Still getting used to the new/original/default layout.

Account registration now has a reCAPTCHA button instead of a silly question that any bot can answer. You just have to click a check box that says 'I Am Not A Bot'. Fingers crossed that this will reduce the spammers.

Now to go after deleting/purging the spam and see how things evolve from now on.

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Posted by: Haxus - 10-09-2019, 12:12 AM - Forum: Cantina - Replies (3)

Duchess Moo Moo left us today. She was a great dog, unusually thick soft fur for a Pem, fantastically cheerful personality.

Raise a toast or say a prayer, for she deserves a fine send off.

Bye Moo Moo.

[Image: Duchess1280.png]

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  2019-10-07 New Avatar
Posted by: Haxus - 10-07-2019, 08:29 PM - Forum: Updates - Replies (2)

The update today enables new generation 4 avatars to be created for testing. This feature is not available to players yet. Some work is still required before it is ready.

An improvement was made to the avatar selection page. When logging in to the game, the selection page now shows the current clothing and visor state of the avatar. Previously, it showed the last known clothing and visor state.

That sometimes led to inconsistencies, like your avatar appearing naked at the entry screen but appearing fully clothed in the game.

This update does not add anything useful. I needed to post it so I could resume logging in to the public servers. Some login communications changed significantly.

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