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Revision as of 22:27, 27 May 2015 by Deantwo (talk | contribs) (Changed it to a nice table!)
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The quality, or simply Q, of an object is a measure of how pure/well refined/etc. that item is. A low quality will cause failures when attempting to fetch to a manufacturing process. Higher quality goods are needed for production of higher tech level items, at a rate of 8 quality per TL (Q248 is required for TL 32, the current cap).

Quality is expressed as both a number between 1 and 255, and a descriptor:

Descriptor Quality TL
Flawed 1 - 34 1 - 5
Bad 35 - 74 5 - 10
Poor 75 - 114 10 - 15
Fair 115 - 154 15 - 20
Good 155 - 194 20 - 25
Fine 195 - 224 25 - 28
Superb 225 - 244 29 - 31
Excellent 245 - 254 31 - 32
Perfect 255 32

Low-quality materials will lower the quality of goods made with them. So if you collect Bad Oil, you are likely to produce Bad Plastics and hence bad Textiles using Plastics.


Please refer to Equations page for relevant calculations.