Air Traffic Control
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This section is in need of revision. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. The reason given is: Need direct copies of more messages to get the exact format, incomplete messages marked with (WIP) .

Space stations and radar buildings provide ATC (Air Traffic Control). They broadcast on the Hail comm channel when a spacecraft enters their sensor coverage area, depart it, or transition from their area to another area, similar to real air traffic control.
ATC Messages
<spacecraft empire name> Starship <spacecraft name>, radar contact. No radar services available. Maintain VFR.
- You have entered the sensor range of a friendly city or station.
- They are not providing traffic separation services, i.e. not calling out other traffic.
- You are to operate under visual flight rules, which means you have to see where you are going, i.e. remain clear of clouds.
<spacecraft name>, sensors show you have stopped. services terminated.
- You have stopped inside the sensor range of a friendly city or station.
<spacecraft name>, sensor contact lost. Proceed VFR. Have a safe journey.
- You have departed the sensor range of a friendly city or station.
<spacecraft name>, you have departed my coverage area. Handing you off to <new ATC> control.
- You have transitioned from the sensor range of a friendly city or station into the sensor range of a different friendly city or station.
Air Defense Identification Zone
ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) is the name given to the sensor coverage areas of ATC in the context of defense.
When a spacecraft enters an enemy ADIZ, the ATC will broadcast warning messages about trespassing and instructing the spacecraft to leave.
Pirates will not engage vessels that are inside any ADIZ.
ADIZ ATC Messages
<spacecraft empire name> Starship <spacecraft name>, radar contact. <adiz empire name> ADIZ incursion! Leave this area immediately or you will be destroyed.
- You have entered the sensor range of an enemy city or station.
<spacecraft name>, you are still in our airspace. Get out of the ADIZ or be destroyed.
- You have stopped inside the sensor range of an enemy city or station.
<spacecraft name>, you are clear of our airspace. Remain outside the ADIZ or be destroyed.
- You have departed the sensor range of an enemy city or station.
- (WIP)
You are entering the <adiz empire name> <adiz name> ADIZ. Prepare to be destroyed.
- You have transitioned from the sensor range of one enemy city or station to the sensor range of a different enemy city or station.
Radar Services
Radar services is mostly a reference to real life air traffic control. Normally air traffic control would be responsible for preventing mid-air collisions, assisting with landings and takeoffs.
However no radar services are implemented in Hazeron yet.