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New Ship Designer is Way Too Complex

OK. Thanks for the motivation. I already read many of the explanations and the helpful tips in the designer and may begin to understand, how it works. I will try to design a testcube, to learn the interesting things, like faces and textures, hulls and rooms, voids and doors/windows. I think, i will try to design a building first. Spaceships will be second, when I'm knowing, what i'm doing *hehe.

Buildings are definitely easier because no interior spaces are required. You can just make a shell and texture it.

Space ships take a lot of work. The results can be awesome. I have seen some pretty cool ship designs.

Has anyone considered maybe making a 3rd party designer that uses a painting or pre-fab system? I'm not sure how difficult it is to reverse-engineer the .SoH files, but in the very least you can make stuff that exports the .stl for hull, room, etc.

(04-26-2020, 06:08 PM)voyager Wrote: Has anyone considered maybe making a 3rd party designer that uses a painting or pre-fab system? I'm not sure how difficult it is to reverse-engineer the .SoH files, but in the very least you can make stuff that exports the .stl for hull, room, etc.

I know Ikkir was fiddling with it at one point. You might want to ask him.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

Hi , long time fan of SOH , been playing since its early times before it went to P2P, recently found out it went back to FTP, decided ide come back and check it out , some things are familiar and slowly comming back to me , was building up my city , trying to stablize it , no problems really adjusting to the new building changes, until that is i got into the Design Studio.

Words can not describe how painfull it is to try and just build an simple ship in that way overcomplicated monstrosity of an 3D Design studio, ime sorry its way too mutch and overcomplicated, i get fustated just looking at it, it actually gave me an headache from trying to figure out how to just build an simple ship and it just way too time consuming to do so not to mention the constant painfull fustration every step of the way. , Please Ohhh Pleasssee bring back the old Ship Designer or somthing similar in easy to use and reasonably managable manner.

Part of the main apeal of this game to me was being able to create my own ships which i used to in the old designer, and some of them were pettery respectable. now i feel like i have hit an brick wall and cant create any ships with in reason. like holly krapp man 10 Tutorial videos on how to ship building and some of them 45min long.

Sorry if it feels like ime venting , i am probally an little while trying to voice my painfull experience with the new design studio.

bottome line , the new ship builder has completly sucked all the fun out of the game for me , after spending time to try and build an nice city only to be completly gobsmacked by the brick wall that is that painfully overcomplicated design studio, which i just cant do its too fustrating and akward and overall it just feels wrong and un-necessary to expect users to work with somthing like that.

i love this game , i really do but omg that new design studio needs to go or at least give people the option of still being able to use the old design studio or an compatable  version of it.

i really want to play again , but that new design studio just completly kills all the fun in it for me like on an level i have never felt or experienced before.

please consider giving people the option to use somting easier , please haxus :(

and please dont give up on this game Haxus, u have created an beautifull interactive work of art that invokes wonder and imagination that should not go quietly into the nite forgotten forever. This game deserves better , to be played and enjoyed by the world forever rembered and imortalized in videogame history.

I would most certianly pay to play this game if it was in an more playable state that wasnt too overcomplicated and u made afew small compromises to have the game overall enjoyable for most people and everyday joe sixpack :/ , in no way am i trying to be insulting, this game is your baby i totally understand that, but if u really want most people able to enjoy it , afew small changes would be really nice and would go an long way in helping improve the overall positive experiences in the game for alot of people.

I really wish u had the full support of Steam platform for this game on an major multiplayer level, then u could make the money u needed to hire staff to help u finish this wonderfull work of interactive art.

Watch tutorial videos before putting out this kind of lengthy post.

Nah I agree it takes hours to do anything even with the tutorials

While the learning curve of the designer is tremendous, it's so powerful that it's well worth the cost. The designer grants you creative freedom that does not exist in any other game.

I know this is no longer relevant, with the servers shutting down and whatnot, but I always thought that releasing the designs of defunct, inactive empires would have been a good way to increase the quantity of publicly available designs.

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