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Fuse roads together

I decided AI was better at formatting my message, so the admins might see a completely different older version of this post. This is cleaned up by chatGPT. Least I'm honest!
I was just thinking that maybe if roads actually fused together when you connect them, some of the cities might feel a bit better. Depending on how that’s done, you could also use roads as guide rails for fake traffic to simulate movement and activity.

It’s just a thought! Since this is single-player now, if I could mod the game, I would add something like this, along with space traffic. For example, small crafts around stations in X4 add to the sense of activity, even though they’re just for show. Adding ground, air, and space traffic that looks proportional to the actual shipped goods would enhance the experience. These ships wouldn’t be destroyable but would just be for visual effect.

This could be a starting point for better coding to truly represent the transportation of goods. Adding this feature would reinvigorate the base. I guarantee it.

Logistics could become a completely different gameplay aspect, working well in single-player and serving as a great midway to AI empires.

Just a thought. Oh, and hi! I’m also known as Vox. I pop in every year or so, but since it’s single-player now, I’ve been playing with barely any community interaction.
We could still have IRC or something in the game. There are so many other things to add, but a lot of references to the previous MMO edition need to be removed. They are a sad, stinging reminder.

I think I might find a way to inject my own mod API into this game if it’s not added by you, Haxus. This game has so much potential. I can’t think of another game where I can watch a planet come into view and fly directly from one system to another with so many stars.

The only game that comes close is No Man’s Sky, but it’s just a different game. If you combined your game with No Man’s Sky’s graphical representation and execution, it would be amazing. No Man’s Sky lacks real civilization building, whereas your game has a great foundation for it.

Your game’s concept and gameplay overrule graphics, which is why I keep coming back to Hazeron. Not everyone thinks this way, as some only play AAA games. A bit of an update would work wonders.
Your IP has millions of dollars' worth of potential that’s hidden from many people and barely collecting on its own worth. For the love of the game, grow it!

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