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Cannot start new Atlantis Game


whenever trying to start a new game, selecting the Atlantis game mode, the game starts with my avatar on a planet and with no equipment, clothes, whatsoever. Pretty much the same as what you get, when you pick the Savage mode. 

Is there any way this can be fixed? Am I doing something wrong? I noticed that the patch notes said, that Atlantis had received some changes. So I am wondering, if it is a bug resulting from those changes. Or if it is something I am doing wrong on my end. 



On a save, where another empire laready exists, having named the atlantis's empire and added a flag during creation it works.
Unsure if all of these are prerequisites, just wanted to name anything that could be a prerequisite.
The fact that it doesn't seem to work in a galaxythat doesn't have any empires is probably a bug.


thanks for the reply. 

I have tried that, since I had a similar idea, in that you maybe have to play for a while before you can do the Atlantis start. However, even after playing about 2 hours the default one with Targoss and all that, it still doesn't allow me to start the mission. I always end up on some planet. Tried with different starting locations from clusters to frontier to remove as well.

One thing to notice is, that the character created for Atlantis is gone if I end the game. The one listed is the other one, I played with before, which has nothing to do with the Atlantis one.

Make sure you name the empire and select a flag
If I do that it works on my end. Sorry I can't be of much more help.

Yeah, I did select a flag and an empire name. But it still only brings me to a planet.

Can confirm it worked for me after entering an empire name and then a flag, if it matters I also spawned in the "Eastern Cluster"
What even

Random uneducated theory, but didn't Haxus remove all the default blueprints from the game? It might be an issue because the game start can't find the spacecraft blueprint.

That would explain why it works in some older save-games but not new ones? Need to test this theory though.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

Atlantis is one of the default blueprints baked into the game.
When I had na issue with the starmap and tried a new game after clearing my save, I was alos spawned on a a planet without a ship when doing the atlantis start.
I don't know what else is different (other than no other empire existing) Has initial galaxy generation been altered since early February?

(02-27-2023, 08:04 AM)kajanov Wrote: Atlantis is one of the default blueprints baked into the game.

Ooh, I might have misunderstood or misremembered the update. I think it is only talking about the raw .soh blueprint files.
(02-07-2023, 05:19 PM)Haxus Wrote: Blueprints Folder
Blueprint .SoH files are no longer distributed with the software. That reduces the game software download by about 80MB. All of those blueprints are available in the Steam Workshop if someone wants them.

The .SoH files are not required to play the game. The game startup data already includes those blueprints, finalized and ready for game play.

I'm not sure that the Blueprints folder was easily accessible when managed by Steam.
But I do remember someone posting screen shots of them having no building blueprints at all in a new save-game right after that update, so I assumed it might have affected ships too.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

I should probably add, that I installed the game like two days ago or so… I didn't really mess with it until yesterday. The Reach to the Stars one works fine and has blueprints, etc. The issue only seems to be with the Atlantis one.

It doesn't make any difference, which empire name I enter and which flag I add (I tried several). It just brings me to a random planet without any equipment, gear, or a ship. If I recall correctly, last time I played some months ago, you do spawn on the Atlantis, with an EV suite and some basic stuff, which would make sense. Also, it doesn't seem to care, which starting region I chose.

Since I just started playing again, I have no older save, to try if that works. The Atlantis blueprint is present in my Reach to the Stars game. I did also subscribe to the workshop soh files, just to make sure it's not what's causing the issues. Sadly, to no avail.

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