(01-18-2022, 10:35 PM)Greydog Wrote: Well, in real life when a weapon or tactic becomes too overpowered a defense is found to mitigate it. Maybe what we need are more dynamic and powerful defense systems.
The issue is, this is a game and there is no possible defense against a determined attacker with vastly superior firepower.
Not to mention newbie-stomping being an issue that can't be solved with just more power defensive structures because they are newbies.
(01-18-2022, 10:35 PM)Greydog Wrote: We could start by needing line of sight in order to bring weapons to bear, creating the need to maneuver while fighting.
Line-of-sight requirement is already a thing, so I assume you mean limited firing-arcs? So spacecraft weapon systems aren't omni-directional?
I don't see how that would change anything at all from a planetary defense point of view. As for its effect on space combat in general, I don't care that is not the topic of this forum thread. There are already a bunch of threads specifically about changing weapon bays to have a limited firing-arc, please discuss it there.
(01-18-2022, 10:35 PM)Greydog Wrote: - Have ai pilots who man the fighters when attacked and ground troops in the vehicles.
- More different types of attack and defense vehicles/craft
- Ground officers that provide attack/defense modifiers and can also man stations.
- Maybe increase the effectiveness of heavy defense weapons and shields
None of this really stops a max-sized spacecraft from nuking a city. If the city has a bunch of max-sized military defense buildings than maybe it would have a few issues, but those take a lot of resources and time to build, so probably only the empire owning the max-sized spacecraft will have those defenses.
Even if you went and dialed up the power of all military defense buildings, we'd still have the same talk about newbies and other weaker empires being wiped out in less than an hour.
I did make a suggestion way back in 2018 about having defender NPC ships spawn as an encounter. But again that won't help against a powerful empire steamrolling across weaker empires without a care in the world.
See: (Idea thread) Empire Defense Fleet and Encounters