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2019-12-05 Land Bug, Respawn, Building Limit Reduced

Land Bug
Land designations are lost if you teleport.

Fixed. This is the reason for the server update today. Otherwise things were chugging along just fine.

Respawn Broken
The respawn sequence is broken. You can't recall to a building.

The problem was caused by some validation code checking your spawn city, which might not be a "city" these days, if it was just a random building. Recalling to a city only worked if you were tied to the capitol building, due to some obsolete logic. Now you can tie to any building, even unincorporated buildings, which was the original intent.

This is the spawn sequence.
  1. Arena exit if you are in an arena.
  2. Berth aboard your ship. Ship must be private or you must be a passenger or you must not be an enemy.
  3. Home building. You must not be neutral or enemy.
  4. Galaxy capitol of your current galaxy. Building must belong to your empire.
  5. Capitol of a random city on your current side of the discontinuity. Building must belong to your empire.
  6. Empire capitol. Building must belong to your empire.
  7. Current habitable world. Must be suitable homeworld. Must have no buildings other than empire 0 or your own empire.
  8. Habitable world in current system. Must be suitable homeworld. Must have no buildings other than empire 0 or your own empire.
  9. Newly generated homeworld.
Respawn Ship Life Support Down
You can't respawn to your ship if the life support system is not working. Is there a way to know this is why it failed?

You will now sometimes get a thought message when you cannot recall to your berth due to the life support system being down. You get the message if the ship is in your current solar system. You don't get the message if your ship is farther away than that.

Also, if you hail your ship or ask for a status report, they will report if the life support system is down.

Respawn Close Helmet
When I respawn into a harsh environment, it would be nice if the visor on my helmet closed automatically.

Helmet visor now closes automatically if you spawn into a harsh environment. Helmet must already be on your head and its seal must not be broken.

Take Item Snafu
I placed an item on static display on a building. I couldn't take it off.

Fixed an error when removing items placed on buildings. This may have already been reported, pending testing. It's been tested now.

Land Systems Decay
Land solar systems should be protected from overall system decay, the way buildings are.

Land solar systems no longer decay when empty and abandoned.

500 Buildings, Lamp Posts and Fences is Too Much
The construction limit of 500 buildings, lamp posts and fences is too much. There is no conceivable need to have that many buildings on a world, especially since buildings can individually be very large.

World building count limit reduced from 500 to 250. This will cause a negative morale penalty on worlds with too many. They won't be deleted. This does not affect abandonment. The low morale won't cause buildings to decay but it will affect migration of citizens.

Messages In This Thread
2019-12-05 Land Bug, Respawn, Building Limit Reduced - by Haxus - 12-05-2019, 10:26 PM

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