12-30-2018, 08:40 AM
TL was a broken system. Patents as they are, are a broken system. Trading one broken system for a broken and defunct one is not progress. A complete replacement system should be developed before anything is changed but since Haxus is on track to put Hazeron on Steam, this will likely never happen.
That being said, I think we should consider species modifiers for things like culture and temperament. A culture that can pool all its resources into the pursuit of science probably isnt going to dedicate all of it to making pwnlazorz all in one go. Space is huge, even in Hazeron and nobody is going to be thinking about building massive glass cannons for fighting an intergalactic war. Empire modifiers along the lines of ethics choices in Stellaris come to mind. A culture that spends most of its time researching weapons isnt focused on developing medicines or efficient power generation, etc. so minmaxing your options to leverage all out war would leave your empire internally weak and susceptible to unconventional warfare like bioterrorism or your civilians are more likely to revolt under sustained bombing, etc.
That suggestion isnt meant to be taken seriously as it would require a massive rewrite of several game mechanics, but I do think its the only reasonable way to accomplish what the TL system meant to.
That being said, I think we should consider species modifiers for things like culture and temperament. A culture that can pool all its resources into the pursuit of science probably isnt going to dedicate all of it to making pwnlazorz all in one go. Space is huge, even in Hazeron and nobody is going to be thinking about building massive glass cannons for fighting an intergalactic war. Empire modifiers along the lines of ethics choices in Stellaris come to mind. A culture that spends most of its time researching weapons isnt focused on developing medicines or efficient power generation, etc. so minmaxing your options to leverage all out war would leave your empire internally weak and susceptible to unconventional warfare like bioterrorism or your civilians are more likely to revolt under sustained bombing, etc.
That suggestion isnt meant to be taken seriously as it would require a massive rewrite of several game mechanics, but I do think its the only reasonable way to accomplish what the TL system meant to.