We have the option to use empire colors in designs, so that the design uses colors specified as the empire's theme colors.
I modeled a cute little gas station building, and I decided to use the "Empire Secondary" color. Mostly because I wanted it to be different for other empires, and I used the secondary because I felt that it would be more suited than using the empire's main color.
My questions are:
I modeled a cute little gas station building, and I decided to use the "Empire Secondary" color. Mostly because I wanted it to be different for other empires, and I used the secondary because I felt that it would be more suited than using the empire's main color.
My questions are:
- How do you guys use these empire colors? A lot? Not at all?
- What colors did you pick for your empire? And how did you order them? Darkest to lightest?
- What differences do you use for exterior and interior colors?