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Fleet Channel, named fleets channels and no Starforce channel

I like the fact that fleets were added. But there a thing that bothers me: You cannot give orders to ships under a flagship that you're not berthed at.

I had envisioned fleets in a slightly different way:

- You could create fleets and name them, e.g. First Fleet, Orion Sector Fleet or Battlegroup Gamma.

- Hailing in the Fleet channel would then open channels to all individual ships like before, aswell as open channels to all named fleets. Giving orders in the named channels would then give the order to all ships within that fleet. Also currently it seems to open 2 different channels to flagships (one from Fleet and one from Starforce)

The formations and travelling together I had not envisioned, but they do sound nice, so I'm ok with that. I however envisioned it to merely be a way of communicating with a select group of ships (instead of all ships in system/sector range). But grouped warps/jumps do sound cool.

This would be nice because you could give orders to fleets aswell as to all individual ships of every fleet at all times. . After completing individual orders ships could then return to the flagship. That way ships within a remote fleet can be sent to do errands.

And best of all, it could solve the Starforce naming conundrum because that channel would not be needed anymore

I realise that this might be nitpicking a bit and maybe asking to much for Hazeron but i got that from X4 foundations where individaul ships can be sent do orders, then automatically return to fleet orders after finishing the individual task.

Might just be fueled by resitance to change, dunno, we'll see what other people think. :D

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Fleet Channel, named fleets channels and no Starforce channel - by Ivan - 05-14-2024, 12:04 AM

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