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Military personnel keep starving to death

I've got a base, in a biodome, with a thriving city that has tons of food. Yet my dudes keep kicking the bucket. Their morale sucks too, not getting any of the bonuses the city has. Is there something I'm missing? I've ensured the buildings are close to other buildings or connected right on roads, but they just keep dying over and over. I shouldn't need a Mil airport, should I? It's right in the middle of the city with an airport already. Motor poor seems borked too, everywhere, no production lines and they don't import SUVs for build bonuses.

(07-30-2022, 08:48 AM)suunaabas Wrote: I've got a base, in a biodome, with a thriving city that has tons of food. Yet my dudes keep kicking the bucket. Their morale sucks too, not getting any of the bonuses the city has. Is there something I'm missing?

It is a known issue that military bases don't import food all that fast. This is generally an issue if the Military Headquarters buildings doesn't have a commodity storage, since as far as I remember it is the only building that import food.
See: (Update) 2018-06-25 Starvation and Suffocation

Morale for military bases work a little different too. They get Lounge, Retail Store and University levels from connected cities supposedly. Not completely sure are the other morale bonuses work for military bases.

(07-30-2022, 08:48 AM)suunaabas Wrote: I've ensured the buildings are close to other buildings or connected right on roads, but they just keep dying over and over.

When you say they keep dying, what exactly do you mean? Do you mean that city report says they are starving? Or does it just say that they are dying?
If this is harsh environment colony and you are in the city/base, then NPCs might be spawning around you and dying because of a current bug with NPC EV suits.
See: (Bug report) NPC's EVA suits don't work

(07-30-2022, 08:48 AM)suunaabas Wrote: Motor poor seems borked too, everywhere, no production lines and they don't import SUVs for build bonuses.

Military Motor Pool does not produce anything, they only import military vehicles (APCs).
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

Thanks for the replies!

The food importing is odd; the base only imports 6 to 7 types out of 16, and even then in very low quantity.
On this planet, all the Mil buildings are inside the city's single biodome. All buildings are built right on the edge of roads, or right against a building that is, and all roads are linked up.
Checking city reports, they die of starvation and suffocation. When their buddies die the 2 or so left then depart on 'secret missions' via city airport (can't say I blame them).
For rep, I get +1 lounge (24 in the city, and they're listed under Facilities in the base's report), +0 university, +1 for 6 or 7 food types (16 available in city), and +2 Founder. This particular base doesn't connect to local power either, only shows the 10 reserve my HQ comes with. After bulldozing all the other Mil buildings -leaving only HQ- the 10 in that building can survive on the meager imports, but that is not very useful.

Was going to delete it altogether and start over, but then I'd need to axe the whole colony since the biodome gets added to its building list.

(07-30-2022, 12:52 PM)suunaabas Wrote: The food importing is odd; the base only imports 6 to 7 types out of 16, and even then in very low quantity.

I am not sure how to really solve it. I think a Military Headquarters blueprint with more commodity storage might fix it, but I am not sure.

I do know that a Military Airport will import Air at least, so if they are also suffocating you can at least solve that part of the issue.

(07-30-2022, 12:52 PM)suunaabas Wrote: Was going to delete it altogether and start over, but then I'd need to axe the whole colony since the biodome gets added to its building list.

There is a common catch-22 issue with Biodomes and Platforms with a Military Headquarters in/on them. Only way to get rid of the Military Headquarters is to blowup the Biodomes/Platform.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

Thanks again Dean, some good info to utilize. Appreciated.
I usually go with Haxus' HQ since the material cost is low compared to some of the more extravagant offerings, but I can see how that'd reduce potential storage space. I did just see the lone HQ had saved up 1600 food for a cycle, but that went back down to 600 shortly thereafter even with only the 100/cycle usage.

Running system scans today so just maybe I can replace the whole system and change things up.

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