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Unable To Enter Game

Pegboard SOYAV (Yep, again.)

One-way wormhole to Inkar caused limbo for me.

I died and got home, well it works I guess.

EmyLightsaber KHTLW

was trying to recall home and after re-logging I can't get back into the game.

I waited long enough after deleting the temporary folder and it let me back in.

Xon'Matar XULMQ
hasnt been able to log in since yesterday.

Bishehlop IQNAF and vallat ZYIQE are in limbo

Oxzorp KABCD and Le'Dorpa JHJOJ are in Limbo

Malcanis: EALWF
Greydog: EVRO
Krell: RJBCC

Fixed thank you :)
I plan on living forever far so good!

Sen'Matar WSTIF
Xon'Matar XULMQ
Von'Matar JCMXJ

i havent tried more but these are in limbo suddenly.
spread out not in one system.

wylka HOQLW

seem to have entered a wrong wormhole


Hi Haxus, I cannot use my one particular character, and other characters in this system cannot log in either. Character name is TartarusMkII ZLMMQ . Been this way a couple of days.

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