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Arena UI buttons non-functional: Unable to leave arena

The "leave arena" button in the arena is broken and appears to do nothing as when clicked.
In addition, the "Arena Status" and the "Arena Sideline" buttons appear to do nothing when clicked as well.

I believe i used the "Test Flight" (whatever the solo setting is) arena setting for my new ships testflight.

As far as i know the arena has been totally broken since old-style spacecraft were removed.

I may have just missed that it was broken, but i noticed recently, so i thought id mention it :)

Clicking on them does not seem to do anything. It does print this to the console however:
QObject::connect: No such slot AuClientFrame::ArenaRecall()
QObject::connect: No such slot AuClientFrame::ArenaStatus()
QObject::connect: No such slot AuClientFrame::ArenaExit()

Both ships were destroyed and the simulation did not appear to end either.

I was able to escape by recalling, however this also killed me in place where I entered?

Curious if others (especially non-linux) users experience this as well.

Deantwo: This is a split from another confusing bug report, see:

The arena-specific sidebar buttons when inside an arena instance don't function. This makes it impossible to exit the arena and broke my save

I can transfer the save if needed, my avatar is currently stuck inside an arena instance and I have no way of getting out

Update: Recalling got me out of the arena
What even

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