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3 ships missing, 1 I'm aboard is frozen

Just had 3 ships vanish overnight. There were no final logs from the captains, no alerts of any kind; they just vanished from the game for all intents and purposes. I am currently aboard 1 of them, which is frozen in space. It *was* in warp when it went ghost. I've logged out and back in a few times and it just sits stationary in space. I can see star system names I've colonized (while on the bridge), and all the jump connections, and even show up on the Star Map interface just outside the system I was leaving. The officer even acknowledges my commands locally. But nothing else interacts with the game from it. I can't raise it, or the other two large ships from Fleet channel. No comms channel to any of the 3 get a reply (including the one I'm aboard). The other two ships were just set to hold in orbit over a city, cycling a buy hydrogen / wait / report, so they weren't even moving. I can raise 2 manned stations and a smaller ship on Fleet Channel. Checking mail, no new officer ready emails have shown up, so I'm guessing they're frozen too, not somehow destroyed. 

I really don't want to recall out and investigate the other two in case this thing starts moving again. But apparently I can't create a new alt account either, to try that route. The login screen accepts all the info I used on the website, but then never finishes loading / connecting after the DNA screen

Dunno what to do from here, as I can log in fine with my main account.

EDIT: I've tried clearing the orders and re-issuing them, which is how I get the officer acknowledgement. But none of the crew are even moving, they just sit like frozen statues.
EDIT TWO: Donut RLELW  is my avatar

Yeah something very bad is happening right now. One ship, while travelling suddenly lost it's fuel cell completely and is dead in space. It was very abrupt. Another ship sent to tractor it back is stuck while trying to transition from system to system. 

Not good.
Avatars: - LimboWarrior

[Image: ezgif-com-resize.gif]

It mainly sounds like scene server handling the solar systems your missing ships are in has crashed. This is often the case when officer commanded ships stop replying on the fleet channel.

As for the ship you are on not following orders, this sounds a little weird. Again it could be the scene handling the solar system your ship is in is under heavy load and therefore the crew can't seem to get anything done.

(07-21-2022, 06:12 AM)suunaabas Wrote: I really don't want to recall out and investigate the other two in case this thing starts moving again. But apparently I can't create a new alt account either, to try that route. The login screen accepts all the info I used on the website, but then never finishes loading / connecting after the DNA screen.

This very much sounds like the scene server handling the solar system your new avatar is attempting to spawn in has crashed. Someone else reported something similar on the community Discord server 7 hours ago.

A lot of these issues can be caused by crashed or lagging scene servers. Which is not a new issue and will need to have Haxus check it.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator

Yea, essentially both of my avatars have been locked up now. Tipper is stuck in Limbo (which IDK if Haxus has been fixing those as they come up or if they just solve themselves after a couple of days, gonna make another post there anyway) but my other one, Sorc, is in the same situation described above: able to log in and load onto the ship, but unable to move or interact with the ship at all..
[Image: ffoapb.gif]

Alright, things seem to be moving again and all but 1 ship accounted for. Few systems needed partial rebuilds from decay, but not a total loss so hoo-ah.
Checking status on website didn't look out of the ordinary, servers must not be reporting these struggles?

(07-24-2022, 05:47 AM)suunaabas Wrote: Checking status on website didn't look out of the ordinary, servers must not be reporting these struggles?

Status page has never been super useful for identifying crashed or lagging servers. Usually only useful if it literally reports all of a server type is down or to see number of currently connected players.
Hazeron Forum and Wiki Moderator


Same behavior (ship stuck yesterday in spacetime ahah, warp frozen).
Ship unstuck this morning.
Will see for how long :)

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