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2019-04-05 Query Starmap, Finalize Progress, Server Config

Query Starmap
The star map window has a button to request empires and a button to refresh the map. Having two "refresh" buttons is confusing and clunky.

Star map query reply now includes empire data that is needed by the client.

Refresh Empires button was removed from the Star Map window.

Hulls Inside Hulls
It is possible to cheat the designer into thinking a blueprint has more volume by placing hull parts inside of hull parts.

Volume calculation of spacecraft and building hulls now does a better job of estimating the volume of the model, without being fooled by overlapping parts. Unfortunately, this added some grueling processing to the Finalize and Refresh Obstructions processes, making them take longer, especially on large sized blueprints.

This will not affect blueprints that have already been finalized. Their hull volume will not change.

Finalize Progress
Finalizing a blueprint can take a long time. A cancelable progress control would be welcome.

Progress control added when finalizing spacecraft and building blueprints. It can be canceled.

A progress control is not necessary when finalizing assemblies.

Refresh Obstructions Progress
Refreshing obstructions in a blueprint can take a long time, longer now with the change to the hull volume calculation. A cancelable progress control would be welcome.

Progress control added when refreshing obstructions in spacecraft and building blueprints. It can be canceled.

Cannot Climb Down Ladders
I can climb up ladders in a spacecraft but I cannot climb down them. My legs move but my guy doesn't go anywhere.

Fixed downward movement on ladders.

Blueprint Number
It would be nice if the blueprint number was shown on the spacecraft specifications window.

Blueprint number now appears on the spacecraft specifications window.

Server Configuration
Since updating the servers to use the qt5-default package, gdb no longer provides useful stack trace information. This makes tracing server crashes impossible.

Reconfigured servers to use Qt libraries built by me. This was successful on the test servers. Stack traces are back where they belong.

Server restart will take a little longer than usual. Public servers will be reconfigured after they shut down for the restart. This takes a few minutes per server. Then they will be restarted normally.

Messages In This Thread
2019-04-05 Query Starmap, Finalize Progress, Server Config - by Haxus - 04-05-2019, 02:11 PM

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