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Suggestion for City Reports (Or 3rd party tool)

Howdy folks,

I brought this up in galactic chat the other day, but I think it could be useful for city builders!

Basically, for anyone who's played Factorio, I'm talking about the production charts, where you get information on the rate of production of components and commodities, so you know if you have bottlenecks or if you're making a gain or loss of product. I.E: Metal +5k, Fruit +500, Gas -25 etc. Not just the change from one report to the next, but what the trend currently is. Then you could decide if you needed to up production or cut back to redirect labour elsewhere.

I'm not skilled or knowledgeable enough to write code, and the reports seem to occur often enough that you could compile some relatively accurate data out of the storage reports themselves, but I would imagine that the calculations of all of the data for every city in the universe might end up being hard on the servers. Maybe it could be a localized script that could be run on command? Or a third party program if someones brave enough to write one up.

Before I go too far into this though, this was just an idea and suggestion I had at random when I noticed I had massive stockpiles of some products and barely any for others.

Anyways, let me know what you think!


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Suggestion for City Reports (Or 3rd party tool) - by SailorJerrys - 09-14-2020, 04:12 PM

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