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Patreon Reward Ideas

Relaxed decay rules would be excellent for those of us who can afford to donate because we work, sometimes excessively long hours. Having a tier of relaxed decay would greatly help these types of players. Perhaps tie the cost of the tier to the cost of storing that data long term?

Less pay to win and more of a trade of time.

Honestly, having the patch notes locked behind Patreon does increase its visibility to me, even if I don't feel that I would choose to become a patron for the patch ntoes.

One thing you'd have to consider is that people often look into patch notes / changelogs to get a feel for a project. How often the updates are, how solid the changes are, how much of a grasp the devteam has over their own project and idea, and so on. Locking that behind a paywall prevents random folks and lurkers for getting any feel for the state of the game and development, which just might lead them away or into old and obsolete info or media.
Not saying this is a big factor right now, but the bigger the resurgence of Hazeron gets, the bigger of a factor it will be.

Let's not forget that without visibility of patch notes, we're unable to update the wiki with relevant game mechanics, instead relying and hoping that current patrons aren't lying about them when asked. Is that really the kind of wiki Haxus wants to provide?
What even

Since the visibility of the patch notes is also being discussed, I'm going to clarify just in case that I meant the visibilty of the Patreon. I would be thinking about the Patreon much less if I wasn't stuck wondering what the contents of the patch notes are like and reading complaints about the patch notes being paywalled.

(09-16-2020, 06:48 PM)Raymoo Wrote: Since the visibility of the patch notes is also being discussed, I'm going to clarify just in case that I meant the visibilty of the Patreon. I would be thinking about the Patreon much less if I wasn't stuck wondering what the contents of the patch notes are like and reading complaints about the patch notes being paywalled.

The problem with this is Haxus is literally forcing you to think about it. It's equal to holding a gun to your head. There are far better ways to encourage people to check out the game's Patreon without hiding critical info. Yes, while bad publicity may still be publicity, general opinion will fall and even old-timers like Ikkir have already left and disassociated themselves with the game due to this decision. Just for reference, for the longest time, Ikkir was Haxus' most trusted agent and moderator, and has even hung out with him in real life
What even

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