I know it's now considered as a common bug to leave / enter in a planet gravity and finish like this:
I don't know if someone already saw it, but each time it happened to me, I got tp away with a fixed distance; actually a well known number:
Haxus, maybe it is due to an unsigned -> signed int cast ?
Anyway, negative distances aren't a thing. It should be checked and if a negative distance is detected, then you can add traces to show where the problem is.
Duplicate of:
But maybe it is a good idea to not merge this bug report with that, since the old thread is fully of pointless discussion.
Sad to hear this still happens. Hope Haxus can get it fixed.
PS: Looking at the Locator window's GPS tab is also a good way to see if this bug has happened to your ship.
![[Image: image.png]](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/260899289558024192/1139228935620665454/image.png)
At some point, for saving server resources, Haxus decided to no longer have every system load when u flying through it (= less loading screens). Only a single system would be loaded per sector you passed + your destination system. A generated system would take up server memory space for one week after a player last visited it iirc, so that's why he did that. This meant it would show being in 1 system per sector,even if coordinates showed you actually were in another. Only when interrupting travel, it would actually load the system at your curent coordinates.
I was wondering if maybe this bug could be related to code that was changed at the moment this was implemented? (was thinking perhaps it might make it easier to find & correct?) It might have of course nothing to with it.
(12-05-2023, 11:27 PM)Ivan Wrote: [ -> ]I was wondering if maybe this bug could be related to code that was changed at the moment this was implemented? (was thinking perhaps it might make it easier to find & correct?) It might have of course nothing to with it.
It seems unrelated to me. I am not completely sure when the first instance of this bug happened though. It could be related to why it doesn't load the ship into a new solar system when it happens though, but that is just a symptom of the bug and not the cause. The bug would be less annoying if it just randomly threw us into the neighboring solar system or sector, but it would still need to be fixed.
The bug definitely just seems like an issue with coordinate handover when traveling between coordinate systems, such as from orbit to interplanetary space. Rather it is an unintended int32 cast or a int32 rollover, we just don't know, but the coordinates it sends us to is very close to int32 max value.
Still seeing this problem, I hopped into a brand new starship, and as soon as we left the station I was blasted off into deep space.
The same bug kept me from progressing in the MMO version, and now I'm afraid I will have to put down Hazeron Starship until it's finally fixed.
Accoding to Gabeux in the Quantum Yeet thread that Deantwo linked, it might have to do with the presence of spacestations or specific designs of stations.
After removing those he didn't experience the bug anymore.
I myself have only one single grav drive version of the basic Haxus station in all of my 6-7 colonised sectors. Not a single yeet occurence in 356 hours of gameplay so far, at least not that I can remember.
Also can you remember what order you gave? Orbit planet, move to station, travel to coords? travel to system?
How many stations do you have in this system and of which design? (also grav or rocket drive?)
Just trying to see if there might be some pattern.
Happened in a system without any other station or ship, only few cities. I don't think speculating of what causes this bug is useful, especially since the other thread have one billion replies without showing a workaround or at least reproducing pattern, except switching the sphere of influence's body to another one.
I only posted this to help Haxus to find the bug, since I heard that he wasn't able to reproduce it.
This bug does not seem related to other thing than the coordinate/movevement/speed implementation, the distance variable should not be signed. Maybe it's only signed in the display part, but still, should never reach the UINT_MAX limit and have to be checked to write some debug log which can be sent to Haxus. There is nothing he can do without some data to study.
I think adding -log to your steam launch options might produce some kind of debug log, but of course the issue then is reliably reproducing it
(12-07-2023, 09:00 AM)Celarious Wrote: [ -> ]I think adding -log to your steam launch options might produce some kind of debug log, but of course the issue then is reliably reproducing it
I don't know how much is actually written to the log.
As far as I know Haxus only used it to track down one issue back in the day, and he has never asked for logs outside of that.
Were you operating the helm console when this happened?