12-20-2019, 03:50 PM
Land at Airport Order
NPCs have trouble landing at airports.
Fixed two errors when checking for a landing site.
One error caused an inconsistency between what obstructions they perceived when inside vs outside the atmosphere, causing crazy flight behavior.
The other error caused the pilot to sometimes get close, then think the landing site was on the other side of the planet, and execute a vertical takeoff to fly there.
Land at City Order
NPCs don't follow this order at all.
Reworked NPC landing logic to land on roads when no empty spacecraft landing spots are available. They first prefer level graded roads over sloping grades. Second, they prefer concrete, asphalt, then dirt.
NPCs currently land at the end points of roads and slabs and they don't care about road width. The landing spot must be inside city limits because then they can trade. They check for obstructions; they insure the spot is not inside an enclosure; and they make sure it is above sea level if the world has surface liquid.
Turret Ordnance
I was unable to load ordnance into a turret. The window showed nothing.
Fixed an error in identifying the turret station. This may have broken old style space ships but I don't care.
Observatory Report Asteroid Position
City report could show position of asteroids.
City report now shows the position of asteroids relative to the solar system.
It should also only report one event per asteroid, per city report. I was getting multiples. That may have only been a temporary problem on the debug servers.
Remote Camera Buttons
When at a command station, it would be handy if the on-screen buttons at the right included controls for remote cameras.
Remote camera buttons now appear among the buttons at the right, when you areĀ at a command station of a spacecraft that has remote cameras in its design. There will be no camera buttons if the design has no cameras.
Commodities needed for body organs.
Heart, lungs, gills, and stomach added.
Harvested 4B Units
A spacecraft reported harvesting 4.29 billion units of borexino precipitate.
This looked suspiciously like a negative rollover of an unsigned 32 bit integer. I hardened the calculations for harvest quantity to insure they did not produce a negative result.
NPCs have trouble landing at airports.
Fixed two errors when checking for a landing site.
One error caused an inconsistency between what obstructions they perceived when inside vs outside the atmosphere, causing crazy flight behavior.
The other error caused the pilot to sometimes get close, then think the landing site was on the other side of the planet, and execute a vertical takeoff to fly there.
Land at City Order
NPCs don't follow this order at all.
Reworked NPC landing logic to land on roads when no empty spacecraft landing spots are available. They first prefer level graded roads over sloping grades. Second, they prefer concrete, asphalt, then dirt.
NPCs currently land at the end points of roads and slabs and they don't care about road width. The landing spot must be inside city limits because then they can trade. They check for obstructions; they insure the spot is not inside an enclosure; and they make sure it is above sea level if the world has surface liquid.
Turret Ordnance
I was unable to load ordnance into a turret. The window showed nothing.
Fixed an error in identifying the turret station. This may have broken old style space ships but I don't care.
Observatory Report Asteroid Position
City report could show position of asteroids.
City report now shows the position of asteroids relative to the solar system.
It should also only report one event per asteroid, per city report. I was getting multiples. That may have only been a temporary problem on the debug servers.
Remote Camera Buttons
When at a command station, it would be handy if the on-screen buttons at the right included controls for remote cameras.
Remote camera buttons now appear among the buttons at the right, when you areĀ at a command station of a spacecraft that has remote cameras in its design. There will be no camera buttons if the design has no cameras.
Commodities needed for body organs.
Heart, lungs, gills, and stomach added.
- Edible to carnivores, omnivores, and scavengers.
- Can be manufactured at a meat processing plant.
- Butchering an animal carcass now produces: meat, leather, bone, heart, lungs, and stomach.
- Butchering a fish now produces: fish meat, heart, gills, and stomach.
Harvested 4B Units
A spacecraft reported harvesting 4.29 billion units of borexino precipitate.
This looked suspiciously like a negative rollover of an unsigned 32 bit integer. I hardened the calculations for harvest quantity to insure they did not produce a negative result.