Warp Signature

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Revision as of 06:10, 21 February 2017 by Deantwo (talk | contribs) (→‎Quotes from patch notes: Update 2017-02-12 and 2017-02-13 Qt 5.8: Undersea City Power Emissions)
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Sign of intelligent life! The yellow glow indicates the presence of a civilization.

Solar systems with high electricity consumption will send out emissions that can be detected by cities in other solar systems. The strength of the emissions is affected by the total amount of electricity used by all cities and spacecraft in the solar system.

A city's chance of detecting emissions from other solar systems depends on the city's sensor TL and the strength of the emissions.

Emissions Output

Solar systems produce emissions when cities and spacecraft use electricity in them. The higher the solar system's total power consumption is, the higher the emission strength and thus the further away the solar system can be detected from.

Underwater cities emit 1/10th the city's normal emission output thanks to the insulation caused by the water.

Detection Range

This section has details missing or obscure mechanics that need clarification by Haxus.
If you know the answer, please edit this page or state it on the talk page!

The range of emission detection depends on the highest TL of either airport terminal, military weapon system and military shield generator.

SensorTL = Max(AirportTerminal TL, MilitaryWeaponSystem TL, MilitaryShieldGenerator TL)

Quotes from patch notes

Related patch notes
Update 2013-03-07: Detect Cities in Unexplored Systems
Star map now shows a yellow glow around unexplored solar systems from which city emissions have been detected.
Solar systems emit a signal based on the hourly consumption of power by all cities in the system. The strength of this signal determines the maximum distance at which the system can be detected.
Cities with sensors detect the signal emitted by solar systems. Detection range of cities is 10pc per sensor tech level. City sensor tech level is the highest tech level of the airport terminal and any bases.
Detected solar systems are remembered for up to 48 hours after the last signal is detected from that system.
This information accumulates as the servers run. It may take an hour or two after the servers start before you start detecting city emissions. This will always be the case as this information is not stored.

Update 2013-08-21: Empires Too Vulnerable to Raiders

Empires were reported to be too vulnerable to raiders based in the void. There is no way to know where the raiders came from or went.
System emissions are based on power consumed in a system. Power consumed by ships is now added to that signal; previously the signal was only based on power consumed by cities.
This is a step toward solving the problem, not expected to eliminate the problem. I am still considering other steps.

Update 2015-03-03: System Emission/Detection Range

System emissions are detectable too far away for the more compact area we are playing in. The number of detected systems can be overwhelming.
City signals can no longer be detected as far away.
City sensors no longer have as much range for detecting city emissions.

Update 2017-02-12 and 2017-02-13 Qt 5.8: Undersea City Power Emissions

Undersea cities now emit 1/10 of the signal due to their power consumption, for remote detection purposes.