City Morale

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City Morale determines how citizens migrate to or from a city. Positive morale attracts new citizens and causes higher birthrates, while negative morale drives them away.

Morale modifiers have instant effects, with the sum of their effects being visible on city reports. This makes it possible to see immigration and emigration in the same report.

Positive Morale Modifiers

Total Morale caps at +9.

Name Bonus Cause
Food Variety Up to +2 Many Food varieties fulfill citizen's ecological role diet. Smaller diets need less food types.
Founder Up to +2 City-founding avatar is part of city's current empire or another friendly empire. Negative if enemy empire. (2019-12-09 Founder Update.)
Cosmopolitan +1 Avatar is in or has been in city's solar system in the past 24 hours.
Lounge +1 There is at least 1 Cantina space per 50 population.
Church +2 There are 2 extra Church spaces over 1 space per 45 population.
Liquor +1 Liquor products are available at the city.

Negative Morale Modifiers

Modifier Penalty Cause
Alien Invader -1 City citizen's phylum or ecological role differs from the indigenous population.
Abandonment -1 per Building per Day System has not been visited by an avatar in 72 hours and Land owner account is inactive. (2019-12-04 Land Update.)
Decay -1 Per Building Decayed City is abandoned and population is gone.
Buildings Destroyed -1 A city building has been destroyed by weapons in the last 24 hours.
Harsh Environment -1 City environment is not on breathable inner/habitable/outer world land. Permanent.
Harsh Environment Without Power -2 City suffers from a harsh environment and has no electricity. Overrides Harsh Environment penalty.
Gasping Up to -2 City "Air Consumption" demand is not met in Harsh Environment.
Citizens spend [1 × Population] air units per report.
Only -1 penalty if 50% to 99% of air demand is fulfilled.
Suffocation -5 City in harsh environment has no air. 10% of population dies. Overrides Gasping.
Hunger -2 City Food Consumption demand is not met.
Citizens eat [ Rounded( 20% × HitPoints ) × Population / FoodNutrition] food per report.
Starvation -5 City has no food. 10% of population dies. Overrides Hunger.
Occupation -5 City has been recently occupied by a new empire. Erodes by +1 for every 20% of loyal population.
Overpopulation -1 per +5% World population exceeds cap. Starts with -1 at 50% of the population cap, and -1 for every +5% up to -10 at 100%.
Population cap is [1/144.25 × VolumeLimit], or [1/72.13 × VolumeLimit] for Ringworlds.
Overworked -1 City has more jobs than homes and all homes are full.
Homelessness Up to -10 Population is higher than Homes. -1 for every 4 population.
Cramped Living Conditions -3 City has too many small homes. Penalty starts when [Small homes > Medium homes + (Large homes × 2)]
Unemployment Up to -5 Population is higher than Jobs. -1 for 5% jobless citizens, -2 for 40%, and -1 more for every +20%.
Arena wanted -1 per 175 Pop City has less than 1 arena per 175 population.
Cantina wanted -1 per 50 Pop City has less than 1 cantina space per 50 population.
Casino wanted -1 per 200 Pop City has less than 1 casino space per 200 population.
Church wanted -1 per 45 Pop City has less than church space per 45 population.
Grocery wanted -1 per 100 Pop City has less than 1 grocery space per 100 population.
Hospital wanted -1 per 80 Pop City has less than 1 hospital space per 80 population.
Park wanted -1 per 90 Pop City has less than 1 park field per 90 population.
Retail Store wanted -1 per 55 Pop City has less than 1 retail store space per 55 population.
University wanted -1 per 70 Pop City has less than 1 university space per 70 population.
Zoo wanted -1 per 150 Pop City has less than 1 zoo field per 150 population.

Morale Building Spaces

Morale Buildings use special spaces in the building design to satisfy citizens. In the Construction menu they are quantified as "Professional Jobs".

See: Building Update

Building Needed Space
Cantina Lounge
Church Auditorium
Grocery Store
Retail Store Store
Arena Arena
Casino Lounge
Hospital Office
Park Field
University Auditorium + Shop
Zoo Field