Planets often have atmospheres. Atmosphere content and density determine whether the air is breathable by people and animals.
Density is expressed as a percentage value from 0 to 100%. Atmosphere density between 15 and 85 percent can be breathed; below 15% animals cannot draw enough air into their lungs; above 85% animals cannot force the air out of their lungs.
Atmospheric content is classified into categories.
Class | Animals | Plants | Description |
Standard | Possible | Possible | Atmosphere is a good mix of breathable gases with few impurities. |
Tainted | Possible | Possible | Atmosphere is a tolerable mix of gases to breath. Air may contain visible levels of impurities. |
Exotic | Possible | Atmosphere is poisonous to people and animals but may host plant life. Environment suit required. | |
Corrosive (green) | Atmosphere is poisonous to all plant and animal life. Corrosive to all equipment. | ||
Insidious (purple) | Atmosphere is extremely poisonous to all plant and animal life. Extremely corrosive to all equipment. |
Atmosphere Density
Atmosphere Density |
Nominal Cost |
10.00¢ |
Weight |
0.00kg |
Pack Size |
Frigid Atmosphere Density |
Nominal Cost |
10.00¢ |
Weight |
0.00kg |
Pack Size |
Inferno Atmosphere Density |
Nominal Cost |
10.00¢ |
Weight |
0.00kg |
Pack Size |
Atmosphere density is an environmental commodity used by processes that require an atmosphere.
A wind power plant requires an atmosphere in order to function, and a refinery require an atmosphere to harvest gaseous resources from.