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When an empire is established, a government type is chosen. The government type of an empire establishes the rules for gaining government offices and succession to higher offices when a position is vacated. The government type of an empire can never be changed.

Some government types allow players to vote. Players may set or change their current standing votes at any time. Once per week, votes are tallied and offices assigned.

Office assignments due to voting or military office promotion occur at 0:00 UTC on Saturdays. Here in Colorado, that's 5:00pm on Friday afternoon, 6:00pm when we're on daylight savings time.

Some government types permit players to request offices. Requests for office may be placed or changed at any time. The government type determines when your request might be considered. For example, when requesting an occupied office in a voting government type, you must wait until the next vote tally.

Governance Window

The Governance (F12) window has controls for casting your vote and requesting offices.

The following list shows the Chain-of-Command of offices that can be held. Titles of office can be changed when an empire is created. Gender specific variations for each position can be given. On the user-interface window, the male and female variations of a title are separated using a slash.
For example, Emperor/Empress or Crown Prince/Crown Princess.

  1. President - The president holds authority over all the universe. There is only one president.
  2. Vice President - The vice president wields the same authority as the president. There can be one vice president for each galaxy.
  3. Senator - A senator has authority over one or more sectors.
  4. Congressman - A congressman has authority over one or more solar systems.
  5. Governor - A governor has authority over one or more worlds. A planetary governor has authority over all its moons; a lunar governor has authority over a single moon.
  6. Mayor - A mayor has authority over one or more cities.


The following table highlights the differences between the government types in Hazeron. It also shows the default titles of office.

Government Type Gain Office Succession Default Titles
Anarchy Any office is granted to anyone who requests it, including Harlequin. 15 minutes must pass before an office can be taken by someone else.
  1. Harlequin
  2. Clown Prince
  3. Trickster
  4. Huckster
  5. Jester
  6. Town Clown
Banana Republic El Presidente's office can be requested by anyone.

El President position is granted by winning a popular vote of all citizens.General position is assigned according to individual social standing, like the Military government type.

Acceptance of the General position assignment is mandatory.

Subordinate positions are assigned by any higher positions. e.g. Members of Parliament can assign Governor and Mayor positions and El Presidente can assign any position, except the General position.El Presidente or the General can remove the other from office by assassination.

The assassinated victim respawns holding no position.
  1. El Presidente
  2. General
  3. Cabinet Member
  4. Member of Parliament
  5. Governor
  6. Mayor
Democracy Any office can be requested by anyone. Unoccupied offices are granted immediately.

Occupied offices are granted by winning a popular vote of all citizens.
When the President leaves, the Vice President automatically succeeds to President.
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Senator
  4. Congressman or Congresswoman
  5. Governor
  6. Mayor
Dictatorship Subordinate offices are assigned by any higher office. e.g. Senators can assign Governor and Prefect offices and the Emperor can assign any office. Acceptance of an office assignment is mandatory.

Position assignments cannot be resigned.

The Prime Minister automatically succeeds to Emperor when the Emperor leaves.

If the Emperor leaves when there is no Prime Minister, the citizen with the highest social standing is promoted to Emperor.
  1. Emperor or Empress
  2. Prime Minister
  3. Viceroy
  4. Senator
  5. Governor
  6. Prefect
Military All offices, including Commander, are assigned according to individual social standing. Acceptance of a position assignment is mandatory.

Unoccupied positions are open to claim by anyone at the next lower position. e.g. An unoccupied Company Commander position can be claimed by anyone; an unoccupied Division Commander position can only be claimed by a Brigade Commander.
  1. Commander
  2. Vice Commander
  3. Division Commander
  4. Brigade Commander
  5. Regiment Commander
  6. Company Commander
Monarchy Subordinate offices are offered by any higher offices, e.g. Counts may offer Marquis and Baron offices and the King may offer any office.

Acceptance of an office is voluntary except succession to King.

The Crown Prince automatically succeeds to King when the King leaves.
The Crown Prince automatically succeeds to King when the King leaves.

If the King leaves when there is no Crown Prince, a new King is appointed from the citizenry.
  1. King or Queen
  2. Crown Prince or Crown Princess
  3. Duke or Duchess
  4. Count or Countess
  5. Marquis or Marquesa
  6. Baron or Baroness
Organized Crime Unoccupied offices are open to claim by anyone in the next lower office. e.g. An unoccupied Gang Leader office can be claimed by anyone; an unoccupied Godfather office can only be claimed by a Boss. Succession is achieved by assassinating a person holding the next higher office. e.g. A Boss becomes a Godfather by assassinating a Godfather.

The assassinated victim respawns holding no office.
  1. Lord
  2. Vice
  3. Godfather
  4. Boss
  5. Enforcer
  6. Gang Leader
Republic Any office can be requested by anyone. Unoccupied offices are granted immediately.

Occupied offices are granted by winning a vote cast among those holding the next office lower than the office sought. e.g.

To become a Congressman, one must win a vote of the Governors; to become Mayor, one must win a popular vote of the citizens.
Exceptions apply to the President, who is voted by the Senators, and the Vice President, who is appointed by the President.

When the President leaves, the Vice President automatically succeeds to President.
  1. President
  2. Vice President
  3. Senator
  4. Congressman or Congresswoman
  5. Governor
  6. Mayor
Theocracy Unoccupied Deacon positions are granted to anyone who requests them.

The next higher position can be requested when it becomes unoccupied.

Position increases beyond Deacon are granted by winning a vote of one's peers. e.g.

A Deacon must win a vote of the Deacons in order to advance to Priest.

Exceptions apply to the Pope, who is voted by the Arch Bishops, and the Cardinal, who is appointed by the Pope.
When the Pope leaves, the Cardinal automatically succeeds to Pope.
  1. Pope
  2. Cardinal
  3. Arch Bishop
  4. Bishop
  5. Priest or Priestess
  6. Deacon or Deaconess