When in a city, anyone in the chain-of-command of the city
Anywhere else, anyone can access the item
When an item is placed on static display, any DNA in it will become not viable. This means that a DNA sample kit cannot take a DNA sample from the item after it has been on display once.
Need a way to manipulate static display items, without accidentally picking them up all the time.
Click on static display items you own or can access. Instead of picking up the item, a UI appears that lets you move and rotate the item. The UI also has a button to pick up the item, if you choose.
Click on static display items you cannot access. A thought message reports what the item is, who placed it there, and the inscription on the item if there is one.
Items with dead plant DNA cannot produce fruit or seeds.
Placing items on static display kills their DNA and any objects contained within them. There is no warning for this. It is mentioned in the tooltip for the key mapping for placing an item on static display (Shift+P).
Genesis devices can be put on static display without breaking the DNA in them.
Planting a seed with DNA that is not viable will still grow a potted plant but it will not produce fruit or seeds.