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Underground Habitat Bugs - Printable Version

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Underground Habitat Bugs - Phoenix - 04-28-2024


I have designed an underground structure/habitat with a build zone at multiple levels. Currently there are multiple bugs associated with underground structures. I believe these should be fixed in order to allow players to design these types of buildings. Underground cities and bases are a staple in sci-fi and add a lot of character to a city.

Please take a look at these images of the the building I have designed. It has a large elevator and a massive underground habitat with a build zone. 

https://imgur.com/nsxcnVR - Overall diagram of the design 
https://imgur.com/eTfxx2p - Overall view
https://imgur.com/377ryS2 - Surface View of the Design (The elevated portion of the design is not finished)
https://imgur.com/yEyvbZX - Underground view
1. Building Zone Bug

There is a bug that does not allow for placement of buildings below the ground level. In my design there is a build zone on both the ground level and at the sub-surface level. Currently the game snaps new building at the surface level.


Suggested Fix: Allow buildings to snap to underground or high above structures. Allow player to move between snapping via the scroll wheel or a key binding.

2. Environmental Void Bug

There is a bug which causes any player avatar entering an Environmental Void underground to immediately be transported to the surface of a planet. This does not occur with regular Room Voids. For this reason I was forced to construct hallways with room voids and large areas with environmental voids. Environmental voids are required for a design like this because they are the only void type that allows for build zones to be built within. To be clear this bug makes it impossible for an avatar to walk freely within an Environmental void underground. 


Suggested Fix: Take a look at whatever is allowing players to move around freely underground in regular room voids and apply that to environmental voids as well. 

Final Thoughts

Ground Level: I would also ask you consider adding a way to "cut through" the ground level of a planet mesh. Currently there is no good way to place a stairway to an underground area because the ground texture will always appear in place. So a player avatar can pass through it with a room void, but will appear to walk through terrain. 

Planetary Environment Effects: Currently the environmental effects on a planet such as a gas giant appear even inside a biodome or environmental void. This should not be the case. Players should see a clear environment when inside a protected structure. 


Thank you for your time. I have attached a version of my design for you to test or you can download on steam at any time.
