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Full Version: Multiworker process gather like single worker
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Processes that depend on a resource to be gathered from the wild (like how animal carcass from pasture require 10 vegetation density per worker), are still only gathered 1 per cycle even with multiple workers. 

This mean that 40 "1 field farms" will harvest from wild nearly 40 times faster than 1 large farm with 40 field worth, the 1 field farm require 10 vegetation density, which take 10 cycles, and the 40 field farms require 400 vegetation density, which end up taking 400 cycles currently. 

This issue apply to anything that "gather" a resource in the same way but can only think of farms using pasture currently. "tool" based resources like air density are not affected since you only need 1 no matter the number of workers.
Same issue for water when collecting "Water in the Environment".
See: http://hazeron.com/wiki/index.php/Water
This is fixed. Will be in next server update.