In the old-style of cities, it was very easy to make buildings larger, just by adding on new floors.
In the new-style, you have to either find a different building that meets your needs, or publish multiple larger versions of the same building and tear down the old one. It would be nice if you could make multiple size versions of buildings in the editor, then save them to one file that supports multiple size 'versions', and all you need to do to make them larger is either make it larger from the start using the scroll wheel to select a larger size, or click on the building again with the same building, much like the old-style way of adding floors.
This would lower the eventual amount of nearly-duplicate buildings in the blueprint exchange for people who want multiple sizes of the same buildings, and since most buildings don't even come *near* the size limit (and those that do are likely too complicated for the player to make multiple versions of), you don't need to quadruple the file size or anything like that to accomodate it.
(12-23-2018, 02:46 AM)Minty Wrote: [ -> ]-snip-
The Algos Collective wishes to voice our approval of this suggestion.
It would be very nice, if new city building system would be "a little bit" more consistent.
(12-23-2018, 02:46 AM)Minty Wrote: [ -> ]It would be nice if you could make multiple size versions of buildings in the editor, then save them to one file that supports multiple size 'versions',
This just seem like it would add unnecessary complexity to building blueprints. And all those extra "versions" would increase the overall size of the blueprint's file, even though only one version is shown at a time.
I mean if you want to replace a building with a different building, whats the difference between bulldozing the one and picking any new one, or clicking on your buliding, selecting one of several alternate models, and then building that one?
(12-23-2018, 09:43 AM)Deantwo Wrote: [ -> ] (12-23-2018, 02:46 AM)Minty Wrote: [ -> ]It would be nice if you could make multiple size versions of buildings in the editor, then save them to one file that supports multiple size 'versions',
This just seem like it would add unnecessary complexity to building blueprints. And all those extra "versions" would increase the overall size of the blueprint's file, even though only one version is shown at a time.
Would it technically make blueprints more complex? Yes, but it's not a bad kind of complexity. Anyone making a blueprint could choose to just not make different size version if they didn't want to, and the process would be exactly the same. As for the size concerns, I'm sure that Haxus could rig it up so that you only have to download the data for the version in use. It would still use up slightly more space in the database, but wouldn't impact client performance at all.
Haxus could make two types of buildings : "simple" and "adaptative" buildings.
Simple buildings work like the actual ones.
Adaptative buildings are made of 3 subparts : ground floor, stage, and roof (or last floor, as you design it).
The difference would be that when you upgrade the building level, one stage is inserted between the higher stage and the roof.
What do you think about it ?
Before suggesting something like this, suggest a sane city building/progression system a new player could understand.
(12-24-2018, 03:29 AM)AnrDaemon Wrote: [ -> ]Before suggesting something like this, suggest a sane city building/progression system a new player could understand.
fair! I just thought it'd be helpful for the current system.
I do agree that things are a little too complex already. I've spent hours modelling ships in Blender, which isn't really as fulfilling as, like, the building mechanics in any other game ever made. I'd rather not make multiple sizes either.
We're not exactly going to convince Haxus to throw away the entire designer just because it's too hard for new players, so we might as well improve it, eh?
We're ESPECIALLY not going to convince him in the Arena of Ideas, which he doesn't even read! :D