Missiles don't seem to hit their targets very often, if ever.
Fixed numerous issues with guided missiles and other projectiles.
Ordnance Window
Ordnance window doesn't work correctly on Gulliver when I access a weapon station from a captain's chair.
Fixed. This would have also been a problem at a weapon station when trying to operate a different weapon system than the default system for that station.
Sensor Lock Update Bug
Sensor lock reticle range does not update if I lock on to a target then switch to the captain's chair.
Sensor Lock Linger
Sensor lock reticle remains in space after destroying a target, when there are no other targets to lock onto. It just seems to drift away.
Salvage Order
Salvage order needs to be easier to issue instead of being way down the list of orders. I find myself frantically trying to issue the salvage order before the TEUs drift away.
Salvage order is now the first order on the list.
Pirates got some minor improvements as a result of many battles with them.
When executing an attack order, the pilot will fly around the enemy trying to get into a desirable attack position. The enemy pilot also does this. This results in some crazy evasive maneuvers. You can stop this by not issuing an attack order or by taking the helm yourself.
Here are things you can do if your officer persistently inserts an attack order when you don't want one.
- Take the con from the officer.
- Change the officer's posture to something less aggressive.
- Execute the officer in front of the bridge crew.
With an aggressive enough posture, crew and troops will fire their weapons at enemy units within range, regardless of the current mission order. The Stand Down order is an exception, and possibly the repair order.
Things are a lot calmer sitting at a dead stop in space and taking on enemy ships that come at you. Your ship is kind of an easy target though.
Tips for going into battle.
- Insure your hold contains sufficient ammunition for your turrets and bay weapons.
- Insure your hold contains medical supplies for your sick bay.
- Be sure to load troops to run your turrets. Troops man turrets, not crew.
- Have water handy to put out fires and clean up acid. If the ship lights on fire or gets covered in acid, splash a bottle of water on the wall. This may seem trivial but it is an urgent distraction that can mean the difference between life and death.
- Set troop and crew posture aggressive enough to proactively fire their weapons. At least Defend Area. Defend Self posture allows them to return fire to someone who hurts the ship but that can be too late.
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Ordnance Window
Ordnance window doesn't work correctly on Gulliver when I access a weapon station from a captain's chair.
Fixed. This would have also been a problem at a weapon station when trying to operate a different weapon system than the default system for that station.
Good to finally have that issue fixed. Was a minor annoyance for years.
At least the workaround was easy enough once you knew about the issue.
Thank you for the update!
(04-27-2024, 11:35 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Salvage order needs to be easier to issue instead of being way down the list of orders. I find myself frantically trying to issue the salvage order before the TEUs drift away.
This feels backwards. With this kind of a game having to 'frantically' look for an order likely means something was done wrong.
Why not make it a policy? 'perform salvage after destroying a target' like it is done with shields or combat stance. You don't need to 'frantically' look for an attack order in most cases or unless you want to prioritize a specific target, nor do you need to manually command raising a shield.
Salvage Policy suggestion:
1. Govern what to salvage. Like: pick up ammo and fuel, most valuable cargo or everything
2. Govern when to salvage. Like with the shield: when having contacts in range, having hostile targets or being alone
3. Govern how to salvage. Like:
- if salvage on radar, pause current task and salvage instead
- only pause for salvage if in range or target was destroyed by you
- do not pause for salvage, but let teleporter pick up what it can while in range
- do not salvage
I only had to hurry because my ship does not have a transporter, which increases range considerably.
I am not generally a fan of automatic loot collection.