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Full Version: Improvements for shipments
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1. Instead of forcing player to scroll trough long list of items for an item player might not even remember the name off, provide a button that opens UI to select an item or category like it is done in 'chat'.

2. Please add an option to specify not just minimum but also maximum quality as well.
Reasons: send low quality items away to be forgotten, or to provide a planet with a 'jump start' material wise without touching high quality stock fresh planet doesn't need for construction.

3. Stop sending shipments if planet stock is lower than defined.
Reasons: you might want to keep some food or tools in system if you overestimated production capacity. You also might want to send away only unused excess to free space for more production.

Example UI in attachment.
I really like all the points made in this idea.

An enhancement might be to allow selection of multiple products and modify the fields in a grid. This makes it easier for players that like to ship goods from trade hubs to other systems instead of from individual extraction planets. This suggestion would be more difficult though because then the selection interface would have to know the capacity for the broker.