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Full Version: Buildings radiating light at night looks weird
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A recent update changed it so buildings now all radiate light as if there were mini stars hidden inside of them, when seen from a distance. Nearby on ground level it is still normal. Switching between top down view and first person makes it obvious how weird it looks.

Imho it looked alot better before when only windows and lampposts were lit at night. Now it just looks very odd with light coming from nowhere.
Maybe the light from lampposts could illuminate larger areas or something, but walls/buildings without a lightsource should not emit light.

EDIT: it actually even looks as if the ground area of the entire city is emitting light

Idk it just looks very odd to me. I mean bricks don't emit light.

And if other people like it, then i guess I'll just have to live with it.
yeah, I really liked the way old-old cities used to do it with automatically placing their own light posts, ever since it's either been way too dark or way too... weird like now
[Image: e4JP35j.png]