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Full Version: 2024-03-29 Texture Error, Empty Transporter Module
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Parts of My Hull are Orange
Some parts of the hull of my ship were weirdly orange. Later they were black and green striped.

Fixed a texture error that was introduce when making decals respond to room lighting. A texture was not restored after rendering the decals.

I regret that this bug made it into the final Win32 build. I will build a Win32 update with the latest changes if someone asks for it.

Empty Transporter Module
A ship built with empty transporter modules can still use its transporters.

I plan to work on the web site on Monday. I will install those modules and styles Deantwo and Celarious requested then.

I received the final achievement graphics from Elisa, the artist who has been making them. I will install them on Monday as well.

I'd like to create some more fun achievements. The game tracks a lot of data about your avatar; it used to appear on the avatar web page. Does anyone have any suggestions for achievements?
Then I intend to resume work on the npc emperor. There is not likely to be another update for awhile, unless an obnoxious bug needs fixing.
(03-29-2024, 04:59 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]I'd like to create some more fun achievements. The game tracks a lot of data about your avatar; it used to appear on the avatar web page. Does anyone have any suggestions for achievements?
How about one for falling EVA from orbit to a planet's surface? Maybe burning up in a sun while in EVA? Something wacky like that, I remember a "Highest Fall CG Distance" stat so having an achievement when you reach 10km could be good

One for naming x number of wormholes could also be good too

Actually, there used to be an "Arrived In Sailboat" stat tracked on the avatar page, I assume this means entering a planet's atmosphere while in one? That could be a funny one
(03-29-2024, 05:31 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]There is not likely to be another update for awhile, unless an obnoxious bug needs fixing.

There is the bug report of the game crashing when some players try to transition to another solar system. Would be nice if you could take a look at that. I instructed people to make bug reports and upload the save-game.
Here: (Bug report) Game Crashes During Relic Mission and Wormhole Travel
And here: (Bug report) Crash on entering new system
I will check them out asap. Thank you.
There's also a bug with the default-included blueprints that makes the buildings have billions of HP, I think the framework % calculation on them is bugged: https://hazeron.com/mybb/showthread.php?tid=2996