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Full Version: 2024-02-29 Helicopter Bugs, Lighting Bugs, Prone Movement, Falling Damage
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I can offer $27 AUD, but all I'd do is release the source code freely
To be honest, its really unlikely I would release the source code
Respectfully no.

I’ll keep working on the software.
(03-04-2024, 12:08 AM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Respectfully no.

I’ll keep working on the software.

As is your right. Thanks for developing it. Still having fun playing Hazeron Starship.

Please consider adding controls to population immigration in the future. It is difficult to colonize if the native population moves into my cities. I would rather set a policy to disallow natives from entering my cities. Maybe we could destroy a certain amount of villages to remove the native population? Sorry this might seem a bit extreme, but it is bit annoying that all habitable worlds have a native intelligence species.
(03-04-2024, 02:02 AM)Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry this might seem a bit extreme, but it is bit annoying that all habitable worlds have a native intelligence species.
Just a correction, only 50% of habitable worlds have a native indigenous population/sentient species, you'll get the Eden tutorial story if you approach a world without one
(03-03-2024, 01:26 AM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]I would sell the rights to this game and all of its source code.

Make me an offer.

(03-03-2024, 05:58 AM)QuakeIV Wrote: [ -> ]How about $20,000 (USD) for assignment of copyright for Shores of Hazeron and access to copies of the source files

(03-04-2024, 12:08 AM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Respectfully no.

I’ll keep working on the software.

I was surprised by the finality of the response.  After talking to a friend I was wondering if you originally meant you were considering licensing use of the code, rather than outright selling?  I assume it doesn't hurt to ask.
I would sell all the rights, lock stock and barrel, for the right price.
(03-05-2024, 02:12 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]I would sell all the rights, lock stock and barrel, for the right price.

Are you planning to add modding?
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