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Full Version: 2024-02-22 Major Fail when Upgrading the Wiki
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Thanks! Goodnight

For when you get back tomorrow, we noticed uploads are disabled:
[Image: zOkcTuc.png]

To enable it, as stated in the manual here and here, the following config line needs to be added to LocalSettings.php:
$wgEnableUploads = true; # Enable uploads
And also enabled in PHP.ini as also stated in that manual
Another important thing, the old editor toolbar was removed, so the new one needs to be enabled, it comes with MW by default so just needs enabling in the config:

(Sorry for all the asks Haxus, wiki's a bit of a mess and will take us a lot of effort to restore it)
We think the pre-upgrade wiki images still exist, just that the database hasn't linked to them so the wiki doesn't know they exist. They should be in the /images/ directory, could you maybe bundle them up and send them over? Would save a LOT of effort
Wiki file uploads are enabled. I did copy the images folder over from the old wiki, per the upgrade instructions.
I think I have taken care of all the issues you reported.
  • ParserFunctions and WikiEditor extensions are installed and enabled.
  • Captcha question was restored from the old settings file.
  • Group permissions were restored from the old settings file.
  • Wiki name restored to 'Hazeron Wiki' like it used to be.
  • File uploading is enabled.
(02-24-2024, 07:24 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]I think I have taken care of all the issues you reported.
  • ParserFunctions and WikiEditor extensions are installed and enabled.
  • Captcha question was restored from the old settings file.
  • Group permissions were restored from the old settings file.
  • Wiki name restored to 'Hazeron Wiki' like it used to be.
  • File uploading is enabled.

Thank you! Can confirm file uploads, the wikieditor and parserfunctions all work! Can also confirm anonymous editing is disabled too

Unfortunately, it seems like the captcha hasn't taken effect still, I created a test account and was never asked any question, and if you check the Recent Changes, there's a HUGE influx of spambot accounts still creating spam pages. I believe you may need to enable another extension to actually enable the Captcha, this one specifically with QuestyCaptcha enabled: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:ConfirmEdit

Also, Dean needs adding to the interface-admin group, as some important edit permissions were moved from Administrator to interface-admin in the newer versions. You can edit his groups from this page https://hazeron.com/wiki/index.php/Special:UserRights

By the way, you forgot this extension, it's not bundled by default so needs downloading and then enabling: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TabberNeue
These extensions were installed/enabled.
  • ConfirmEdit
  • ConfirmEdit/QuestyCaptcha
  • TabberNeue

Deantwo was added to the interface-administrators group.

The format changed for the captcha question. I updated that. I tried creating an account. It failed with the wrong answer then succeeded with the correct answer. Looks like it's working.
(02-24-2024, 07:05 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Wiki file uploads are enabled. I did copy the images folder over from the old wiki, per the upgrade instructions.

I am still getting an error when trying to update a file.
Quote:Upload error
Could not open lock file for "mwstore://local-backend/local-public/2/2d/Discord-Logo-Color.png". Make sure your upload directory is configured correctly and your web server has permission to write to that directory. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:M...dDirectory for more information.

As Cel mentioned earlier, it seems that images on the wiki are in a desynced state. Files on the server aren't the same files that the wiki database think they are. I am not sure there is anyway to fix that though, but I am also not totally sure if it is a big issue or not.
I don't think the Renameuser extension is needed any longer. It appears the functionality was absorbed into the base mediaWiki software in version 1.40.
I changed permissions on the images folder and all subfolders.
(02-24-2024, 11:06 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]I don't think the Renameuser extension is needed any longer. It appears the functionality was absorbed into the base mediaWiki software in version 1.40.

I don't think it is in the base MediaWiki software, at least not that I can see.

I think I only ever used it to clean up the spambot accounts by merging them into a single conveniently "spambot" account. So we likely don't need it anymore, unless my perfectionism makes me want to get rid of the spambot accounts that were created over the last 24 hours and the few test accounts you and Cel made.
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