03-29-2023, 04:04 PM
Building Blueprint Multiple Intended Uses
Often a building works well for more than one industry. It was requested that blueprints allow multiple intended industries, instead of just one.
Building blueprints now enable multiple intended industries to be specified.
This is helpful when designing a blueprint for a particular industry. The analysis report gives error messages if the blueprint does not work for any of the intended industries.
This is also helpful when constructing buildings. The Construction window can limit blueprint selections to those intended for the industry being built. That reduces the number of blueprints listed in the combo box of choices.
French Translation Status
The translators are finished, awaiting final review. I received the translated files yesterday. They look great, as far as I can tell without being able to read or speak French.
I expect one more round of updates with them, particularly due to the dialog box that was added to specify multiple intended uses of a building blueprint. There have also been a few other minor tweaks.
The next update after this one will likely include the French translation.
Often a building works well for more than one industry. It was requested that blueprints allow multiple intended industries, instead of just one.
Building blueprints now enable multiple intended industries to be specified.
This is helpful when designing a blueprint for a particular industry. The analysis report gives error messages if the blueprint does not work for any of the intended industries.
This is also helpful when constructing buildings. The Construction window can limit blueprint selections to those intended for the industry being built. That reduces the number of blueprints listed in the combo box of choices.
French Translation Status
The translators are finished, awaiting final review. I received the translated files yesterday. They look great, as far as I can tell without being able to read or speak French.
I expect one more round of updates with them, particularly due to the dialog box that was added to specify multiple intended uses of a building blueprint. There have also been a few other minor tweaks.
The next update after this one will likely include the French translation.