(12-06-2022, 03:25 PM)Haxus Wrote: [ -> ]Oops I forgot the last beta update had Hazeron Freehold on the about box. That program will not get any more updates.
I read through all of your comments. Thank you.
I'm not quite ready to post a new update. Just finished updating OS on build machines. Got everything up-to-date and building smoothly. Almost ready to post an update.
Whoop! Excited.

Nice to see you are alive and well.
Hazeron servers were almost in a relative good shape, except limbooooo :D but it was a fun year to play in this universe.
See you in Starship so !
Good to see all is well with you Haxus.
I know the time for new additions to Hazeron might have come to a close, but I can't help making a few suggestions that I think will improve the experience of Hazeron Starship.
AI Controlled Empires - Please consider populating at least part of the Galaxy with a few AI controlled empires. If these could be Dynamic then that would be incredible. However, even if they were totally static then I feel it would help the experience feel less lonely. I suggest just populating 1-5 star systems for each empire. Perhaps one or some of the empires could be open and friendly to trade with the player and another would attack you on sight if you entered their system.
Mission Editor - Please consider publishing some of the tools you are using to create the story for Hazeron Starship. If we could build our own missions/storylines and publish them either on steam workshop or your own site then I feel a community could develop where players are sharing their own cool away missions and storylines. This would give the game a ton of new life for minimal effort.
Ideas for Designer
1. (Designer Changes) - Please consider raising the maximum design size back to the original limit for Hazeron Starship. There are a few designs I have that are simply to large for the revised size.
2. (Space Elevator) Allow Players to build extremely large buildings. I would like to construct orbital elevators.
3. (Underground Habitats) Look into the way underground structures work. Currently there is a bug where any player that steps into an environmental void underground is instantly transported back to the surface. This does not occur with room voids and makes the construction of underground habitats complicated.
4. (Planet Designer) Please consider packaging whatever tools you use to design planets and solar systems. It would be neat for players to design these and share them.
5. (Find the Center of an Object) Currently it is impossible to find the exact center of an object such as a circle or sphere unless you save the grid beforehand. Please add a button which will allow the player to find the dead center of an object.
6. (Workshops on Space Stations/Ships) Allow players to build orbital factories and factory ships. Give the designer the option to add these modules. This might be impractical in game but could be fun for roleplaying.
This is all I can think of at the moment, but I might make another post later. Please don't misunderstand. I know that some of these are impractical to add at this point and it is your choice what to spend time on, but I just wanted to express things that I think would help the game find a community in its new offline version.
(12-08-2022, 07:04 PM)Phoenix Wrote: [ -> ]AI Controlled Empires
The AI Controlled empires is a huge hope for me as well. Hazeron would make an amazing Realtime 4x-ish style game all in first person. Having AI empires that are friendly that you can trade/diplomacy with and aggressive empires would add a purpose to the game for sure. Add in coop/multiplayer and you have your self an epic game with tons of replay ability.
Eventually (and I know I have posted this a few times) I would like to see a sensor/targeting/detection (passive/active systems) overhaul as well as a weapon rebalance to compliment the sensor overhaul. That would then lead to the ability to have ship classes added in to help make designs purpose full in terms of scanning. These classes could have size limits possibly to help prevent building massive I win ships. Add in maintenance costs and you have taken care of quite a bit.
Suddenly ships with low energy output for surveying and stealth become important. Slow battleships become weak and require fast attack crafts to help defend.
There is a ton of potential to be quite a popular game on steam.
I hope one day we may be able to host these servers for ourselves, to alleviate you from having to pay for them Haxus, this game has been in my sights for half a decade now and I played it for months on end the first few rounds. Eventually however due to the learning requirements for learning the ship/building creation I eventually stopped.
I'm sad to see Hazeron probably did not work out the way you had envisioned it to become. But I would still like to thank you for your dedication, not many would go the lengths you did to make something of their creation, even when things didn't (and probably still haven't completely) work out the way you wanted.
I will happily follow Hazeron Starship and will do my best to spread the word as it has come to me many years ago :)
AI controlled empires. I have toyed with the idea of making the pirate empires smarter and less hostile.
Stories in Steam Workshop. This will probably happen. The script compiler used to be distributed with the game. Story scripts aren’t difficult to write but basic understanding about how things work is needed. Documentation is slim. It’s kind of ugly. Writing compilers is not my strong suit. Should have paid more attention to lex and yacc.
Design Size? I have considered increasing this. Doing so is not server friendly.
Space Elevator. This is a hull structure type that I have not finished implementing. It would be composed of up to three parts. The ground installation. The orbital piece. And a repeatable segment for the cable/shaft.
Underground Habitats. Thanks for the bug report.
Planet Designer. No such tools. Complexity would be ridiculous.
Center of Object. Ok. Will do.
Workshops on Ships. Has been on my todo list for a long time.
World Build Limit. Will increase or be removed entirely. It’s your frame rate.
Is there any way you could add a control to speed-up build times or give the user some level of control over build/research/processing time? That was a major issue I had in playing HS in the past.
Actually having thought about this for a moment. May be worth creating a toggle so that a person could go into a 'creative' mode where things instant build/research/process. It would broaden the appeal in a singleplayer environment and in a co-op environment.
I started playing Shores of Hazeron back in December of 2012 when I was 15. I've grown up with this game. It is bittersweet, but I am looking forward to the next chapter of Hazeron's history.
Thank you for letting me see the universe, Haxus.
(12-15-2022, 05:02 PM)Systemicyco Wrote: [ -> ]Haxus,
Is there any way you could add a control to speed-up build times or give the user some level of control over build/research/processing time? That was a major issue I had in playing HS in the past.
Actually having thought about this for a moment. May be worth creating a toggle so that a person could go into a 'creative' mode where things instant build/research/process. It would broaden the appeal in a singleplayer environment and in a co-op environment.
Creative mode sounds like a good idea. Most sandbox games have this so why not right? Yep private servers running creative would be a wonderful way to learn and also build/test designs.
(12-16-2022, 07:58 AM)resonkinetic Wrote: [ -> ]I started playing Shores of Hazeron back in December of 2012 when I was 15. I've grown up with this game. It is bittersweet, but I am looking forward to the next chapter of Hazeron's history.
Thank you for letting me see the universe, Haxus.
Likewise, I've played the game on and off since I was 13 and have loved it ever since, I hope a full release on steam is successful!