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Full Version: Mouse infinite spin on Wayland (Linux)
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on Wayland (Xorg successor) the game runs well.
Unfortunately when the game grab the mouse, it is like infinite spin, so impossible to move.

Log is saying:
qt.qpa.wayland: Setting cursor position is not possible on wayland
qt.qpa.wayland: Wayland does not support QWindow::requestActivate()
This plugin supports grabbing the mouse only for popup windows

Using Arch Linux with
qt5-base 5.15.5+kde+r174-1
qt5-declarative 5.15.5+kde+r19-1
qt5-svg 5.15.5+kde+r11-1
qt5-translations 5.15.5+kde+r2-1
qt5-wayland 5.15.5+kde+r38-3
qt5-x11extras 5.15.5+kde+r0-1
qt6-base 6.3.1-1
qt6-svg 6.3.1-1
qt6-translations 6.3.1-1

Workaround: unset environment variable related to Wayland so the game will launch with "standard" qt lib.
env -u WAYLAND_DISPLAY -u QT_QPA_PLATFORM /HazeronLauncher
Have you tried the workaround
Yep the workaround works :)
that may turn out to be useful info
I added -u QT_QPA_PLATFORM as depending of what qt libs you may have installed it would set a Wayland environment variable.