09-05-2018, 12:50 PM
Server Deadlock
A server deadlocked while a ship was idling with its FTL drive on.
Fixed a deadlock situation that was not new. It was surprising this bug lived this long. It probably caused previous server deadlocks.
Star Map Refresh
It takes a long time to update the star map after the empire has explored a lot of space.
Added star map update options to get all known space (as now), only a specific galaxy, or only sectors within a specified radius of your current sector.
I will add a right-click refresh to the list of sectors, to get a sector and other sectors within a radius of it. I didn't quite finish it for this update.
Star Map Range Filter
A way to restrict the star map display to just my sector or my 3x3x3 box of sectors was requested.
A range filter was added to the star map. It consists of a button to turn the range filter on|off and it has a spin box to set the sector range, from 0 to 99. The range value controls the number of sectors beyond your current sector that are displayed.
Star Map Faint Lines
The lines around sectors are very faint on the star map.
Enhanced the brightness of sector border lines and wormhole lines on the star map.
Star Map Select
It would be nice to be able to select a system's sector on the star map.
Right click menu now has two new select options. One selects the system and the other selects the system's sector. The selection is a toggle. If those things are already selected, the menu option will deselect them.
A server deadlocked while a ship was idling with its FTL drive on.
Fixed a deadlock situation that was not new. It was surprising this bug lived this long. It probably caused previous server deadlocks.
Star Map Refresh
It takes a long time to update the star map after the empire has explored a lot of space.
Added star map update options to get all known space (as now), only a specific galaxy, or only sectors within a specified radius of your current sector.
I will add a right-click refresh to the list of sectors, to get a sector and other sectors within a radius of it. I didn't quite finish it for this update.
Star Map Range Filter
A way to restrict the star map display to just my sector or my 3x3x3 box of sectors was requested.
A range filter was added to the star map. It consists of a button to turn the range filter on|off and it has a spin box to set the sector range, from 0 to 99. The range value controls the number of sectors beyond your current sector that are displayed.
Star Map Faint Lines
The lines around sectors are very faint on the star map.
Enhanced the brightness of sector border lines and wormhole lines on the star map.
Star Map Select
It would be nice to be able to select a system's sector on the star map.
Right click menu now has two new select options. One selects the system and the other selects the system's sector. The selection is a toggle. If those things are already selected, the menu option will deselect them.