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Full Version: Navigator console controls messed up
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On the navigator console control input repeat is way too fast.
Tapping either page up or page down results in multiple changes in zoom level.
Attempting to panĀ around with W,A,S and D moves the view more than 1 step per tap.

Appears the controls repeat once per frame or close to it.
This makes the navigator console nearly unusable for a human pilot.
This issue may also be present on other consoles that have pan and zoom function, IE sensors and transporter.

This is observed on windows 10, not sure if this issue exists on other platforms.
Yes I have adjusted keyboard repeat rate to be slow in windows settings, this has no effect on the console.

Please add some kind of debounce timer, or non-repeat to these inputs.
Workaround: Click the console's buttons with the hand-cursor instead. That is ehat I have always done.

That said, I would love to see this finally fixed, been an issue for as long as I can remember.